ゴルフタイムスの世界   Eagle Eye


正しい歴史認識 33 日本人は、誇りと自信をもって、世界に語ろう!!!必読!!!

2016-04-23 | 日本時事新聞社



第十章 日本人が成し遂げたこと


 古賀 剛大 様













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The Greater East Asian War: How Japan Changed The World

By Kase Hideaki

(Published by KK Bestseller in Japanese, 2015)

Chapter 10 – What the Japanese People Accomplished


This link is to Chapter 10 and the Conclusion.

    Mr. Kase’s father, Toshikazu, participated in the surrender proceedings, accompanying plenipotentiary Shigemitsu Mamoru, held in Tokyo Bay aboard the American battleship USS Missouri. When Mr. Kase was in middle school, he asked his father what was going through his mind while he was on board the USS Missouri. His reply was:


"Although Japan had been defeated in battle, we had liberated the people of Asia from hundreds of years of oppression and enslavement. As I stood on the deck of the USS Missouri, I knew in my heart with pride that Japan had actually won the war, insofar as we had led Asia into a great new era of history. Shigemitsu felt the same way."


   From the Conclusion: “For humankind, the greatest event of the twentieth century was the disappearance of the "color line," which measured the worth of humans and divided them based on the color of their skin.”

   It is unbelievable that there are many in the world today who deny this historical fact. Americans claim that the US-Japan war was a battle of “democracy vs totalitarianism.” It is beyond belief that a racist country such as the US can claim to be a democratic country and, furthermore, condemns egalitarian countries to be “non-democratic”. It is also silly that Europe and America, which colonized Asia, calls the Japanese “invasion” of their colonies as “imperialistic aggression”. Japan actually made the Philippines and Burma independent in 1943 and promised Indonesia its independence. Moreover, Japan fostered the volunteer army “Defenders of the Homeland” (Indonesian acronym PETA), which became the core force for independence in the struggle against British and Dutch armies.

   I hope many, including Japanese, come to realize how Japan changed the world through the Greater East Asian War by reading Mr. Kase’s book.      


   URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/book-article/675/

PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Greater10.pdf

Author profile: http://www.sdh-fact.com/auther/kase-hideaki/


*For your reference; Chapter 1. Up to the Day Japan Surrendered


          Chapter 2. The Trap Laid by the United States


                          Chapter 3. The Greater East Asia Conference and the Dream of Racial Equality


                             Chapter 4. The Noble Spirit Which Inspired the People of Asia


                              Chapter 5. Freedom From Racial Discrimination


            Chapter 6. Japanese Army’s “Spirit-First Policy”


     Chapter 7. Why Do We Praise The Kamikaze?


                              Chapter 8. The United States and the Atomic Bombings of Japan


               Chapter 9.  A Nation with a Fabricated History



Questions are welcome.


MOTEKI Hiromichi, Acting Chairman

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: +81-3-3519-4366

Fax: +81-3-3519-4367

Email moteki@sdh-fact.com

URL http://www.sdh-fact.com


Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.

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