

BBC 「ペット犬のクローンが始めて注文される」

2008-02-15 | Weblog
Last Updated: Friday, 15 February 2008, 11:49 GMT

First order for pet dog cloning

1: A South Korean company says it has taken its first order for the cloning of a pet dog.

2: A woman from the United States wants her dead pitbull terrier - called Booger - re-created.

3: RNL Bio is charging the woman, from California, $150,000 (£76,000) to clone the pitbull using tissue extracted from its ear before it died.
PNL Bio社は、カリフォルニアの女性に、犬が死ぬ前に耳から取り出していた繊維を使ってピットブルを作るのに15万ドルを請求している。

4: The work will be carried out by a team from Seoul National University, where the first dog was cloned in 2005.

5: RNL Bio says this is the first time a dog will have been cloned commercially.
RNL Bio社は、犬のクローンが商業的に行われるのはこれが初めてだと言う。

6: "There are many people who want to clone their pet dogs in Western countries even at this high price," company chief executive, Ra Jeong-chan, told the Korea Times.

7: The firm is expecting hundreds more orders for pets over the next few years and also plans to clone dogs trained to sniff out bombs or drugs.

8: One out of every four surrogate mother dogs produces puppies, according to RNL Bio's marketing director, Cho Seong-ryul.
RNL Bio社のマーケティング・ディレクターのショ・ソン-リュ氏によると、代理母犬の4匹のうち1匹が子犬を産む。

9: "The cost of cloning a dog may come down to less than $50,000 as cloning is becoming an industry," he said.

10: The pitbull’s owner, Bernann McKunney, gave the company ear tissue, which an American biotech firm preserved before the animal died 18 months ago.

11: She is said to have been particularly attached to the dog, after it saved her life when another dog attacked her and bit off her arm.

12: The university's team is lead by Professor Lee Byeong-chun, who was previously in a team headed by the disgraced stem cell scientist, Hwang Woo-suk.

13: Mr Hwang's results on cloning human stem cells, initially hailed as a breakthrough, were found to have been falsified and he is now on trial charged with embezzlement and fake research.

14: But the team did succeed in creating the world's first cloned dog two years ago - an Afghan hound named Snuppy.

15: They continued with the programme, cloning more dogs and also producing clones of Korean grey wolves.

