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読書 その五十六 ウェスト

2011年03月31日 14時38分54秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)

"She Walks Among The Ruins", 1946. Oil on canvas (43 1/2 x 30 1/8 inches)
Menard Art Museum, Aichi, Japan

彼は全行程を運転して、カリフォルニアに行って戻って来ました。 多くの時間をコロラドと
あっていました。 その頃まではクニヨシの人物画は、ほとんどいつも室内でポーズをとっていました、

"Empty Town in Desert",

This new interest in landscape is connected with a long Western journey he
made in the summer of 1941, out to California and back, driving the whole way.
Much of his time was spent in Colorado and Nevada, and the dramatic mountain
country and the lonely mining camps and desolate abandoned towns made a
deep impression on him, fitting in with the general destruction and desolation
throughout the world in these early war years. Up to then his figures had almost
always been posed indoors; but since then most of them (and even many still-
lifes) have been shown in landscapes based on the Western mountains and towns.

Kuniyoshi in his class teaching.

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