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ドラフト 叩き台 Draft

2022年11月13日 12時34分41秒 | 画家のツブヤキ

昔の考え方や感じ方が思い起こされるが、変わった部分もあれば変わってない部分もある。 一応叩き台として、これからの改良も分かりやすくなる。

Space Poem Version 2.0-1
Sailing through the Sea of Space:

When something exists in this sea of space, how does space react for that matter to be there? Does space recede to make a room for it or blends in and coexists?

If space is like dark matter that does not react to electromagnetic waves, it should coexist without any interferences? 

Space is like air in everyday life.
It surrounds you all the time yet hardly notice.

May be it’s like Mother Nature, it makes you forget its there.
Space will hold you tight when you alone and sad.
Space will be always there for you and against you.

You know it’s there, but you don’t care much about it.
There are many other things that interest you.
There are many more things that you have to pay attention to.
There are other obligations that you have to pay attention to.

But just stop a moment and think about the sea of space.
It’s here right in front of you, may be even within you.
And this sea is connected to as far as you can think or imagine.

Space has been here long before our Universe come by.
This sea of space, nobody knows how it came to be.
This space was created by unknown force.
Could that be the dark energy?
May be so, may be not.

We don’t know much about space itself
Because there’s no way to measure it.
You cannot touch, smell or see it.

Space can accommodate any thing with ease.
More than 100 billion galaxies with 100 billion stars,
Fit in easily in the space then some more.
What contains in Space is beyond comprehension.

As we once thought everything go around centering the Earth,
We thought the Space is stationary and does not change nor move.
We now think Space can bend and expand.

I used to think that space is a stationary and does not move.
Everything just goes through space without any resistance.
Space is just there nothing can touch or affect the space

Space was here well before our Universe came to be.
Nobody knows how is it created, it was just there before anything else.
The energy created the space is unknown, yet some forces act upon the creation of space.

1-17-2017, Tuesday

Journey to the space no one has been before in spacetime.
Because you are traveling on your own space.
It will be always your own journey in the sea of space of your own.

The ship we take in this journey is weak and dingy.
We don’t know much about the weather in inter galactic space.

Space travel will be common as Trans-oceanic travel back in those days.

The space ship that I can take is so small and weak compare to what is out there, but this space ship is all I have for now.

Before I take out for the journey of lifetime, I should get to know the sea that I’ll be sailing through to be able to travel safe.

One of the most dangerous things is to cross the point of no return without knowing and not come back for ever.

Are you ready to take a trip through the sea of space?
Welcome to the journey into the unknown territory in the Sea of Space.


Space as we know is still a full of mysteries.
No one knows how it came by and when?

It seems it has been here all the time.
First there is space, and then everything else.

Such a vast amount of space, it is difficult to
even imagine with human and Earth scale.

So my space is such that it would accommodate anything.
Space itself has nothing in it; it’s a truly empty space.

When something occupy the space, space accommodate well.
We know today that when large mass like earth or Sun,
Whatever the mass replaced the space
Space can go through anything without any friction?

When things occupy the space or going through, how the space is affected?
Does it just retract to the outer edge of the mass?

How does energy affect to the space?
When Earth push Space out to be exist,
Space has to pull back the same amount of space that Earth occupied.
Where does that space go? Or just compressed evenly out word?
How the presser does is the energy against Gravity?
Or just go through everything without any frictions.
Space does not react to ordinal matters.
The speed of light is how fast wave can go through the sea of space.
It can only go so fast minus the presser to against occupying the space.

Potential energy

Whatever the space you occupy is your own point of view.
No one can take that space other than you.

I’m trying to explain physically and philosophically what I think of the space. And that leads to what I think of what my reality is then it shows up on my art works.

I think that the feeling we share when we saw the images from the Hubble Space Telescope, Galileo Galileo would have felt when he saw the planets and stars 500 years ago.

You can share the amazing feeling just the same as Galileo or Hubble.
That’s equal to anyone who occupies the space.

What if there isn’t the Gravity, only the space is pushing back the state before occupied by the Earth.

If there is a force toward one direction, should there be another force forcing opposite direction? Could that be the gravity and the space?

平成29年5月18日 木曜日
5/18/2017 2:36:00 PM

If you pass the point of no return, you may not be able to come back to where you started. You will be going into the area of unknown, like a death no one came back to tell you how it’s like.

Even your body can be brought back, but there’s no guarantee that you will be able to communicate with others.


It should be easy to understand and interesting enough to keep reading.

無限空間とは全ての物が存在する空間で無限に広がっているインフィニット・スペースのことである。 拡大を続けているこの宇宙も無限空間の中で拡張を続けているし他に別のユニヴァースが生まれているかも知れない。

我々の住む宇宙ではすべでの物が、速さの違いはあっても変化しているが、この無限空間は変化しない。 時の流れは無限空間には影響を及ぼさない。 エネルギーも無限空間内では存在移動変化は自由に出来ても無限空間に影響は及ぼさない。

無限空間とは全ての物が存在する空間で無限に広がっているインフィニット・スペースのことである。 拡大を続けているこの宇宙も無限空間の中で拡張を続けているし他に別のユニヴァースが生まれているかも知れない。

我々の住む宇宙ではすべでの物が速さの違いはあっても変化するししているが、この無限空間は変化しない。 時の流れは無限空間には影響を及ぼさない。 エネルギーも無限空間内では存在移動変化は自由に出来ても無限空間に影響は及ぼさない。

11-12-2022,土曜日 7時21分 雨のち曇り 8C
後半になると余りよく解らなくなって来ている。 兎に角何年か前に書いたときにもやはり下書き程度であったと思う。 一応これからどの様に改良されていくかは楽しみである。


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11-8-2022,火曜日 1:45pm 雪のち雨のち曇り 6C

2022年11月09日 06時49分55秒 | 日誌

今日は朝の5時頃から雪が降り始めた、今雨季の最初の雪である。 ここ数日雨の日が続いている、干ばつのカリフォルニアにはありがたいことです。 


お昼前になって雨が小降りになるとクェールの一家が遅い朝食をとっていた。 それに加えてロビンが久しぶりに沢山やって来た。 



そう言えばアラスカのスノー・クラブが激減して、今年の捕獲が中止になったらしい。 日本ではタラバガニと言われる高級食材で残念なことです。 北カリフォルニアのこの辺りでは、ダンジネス・クラブが有名ですが、クラブシーズンの始まりが延期になっています。

帰国を一週間後に控えあれやこれや忙しい。 固定資産税や健康保険の手続きなど期限のあることは片付けておかないと追徴金をとられる。 約一ヶ月家を空けるので、その他やらなければならないことが結構ある。


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SPACE POEM Part-4: My Space

2022年11月05日 21時27分33秒 | 画家のツブヤキ

My space is where my body occupies.
Everyone has one’s own space that no body can substitute.

Whatever the view you get from this space is one and only your own.
However the feel you have from this space is also one and only your own.

My space can extend all the way to the end of space
My space touches you all the time.
In another words it all connected.

How far you can go in this space depends on how much you know.
You cannot go farther than what you can imagine.

My space is where my thoughts occupy.
My time and space is Moving all the time.

In fact, everything moves all the time.
When things are not moving time is not moving.
That makes it absolute zero, minus 273 degree.

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Space Poem Part-3

2022年11月03日 05時58分35秒 | 画家のツブヤキ

Before space was created, nothing could exist.
No space means there is no place to be.

Space is a place where things can exist.
Space can accommodate anything in any ways.

Space can hold our universe with ease and then some
Space can harness the soul of Mother Nature.

No one knows the true size of this space we live in.
Some say it’s expanding others say it infinite in size.

Either way the edge or the end of space is unknown.
Whatever may be, we can’t figure it out yet.

Space can expand faster than the speed of light.
But our thoughts can go faster than anything.

Space can accommodate all that speed.
So there are space for sprits and thoughts.

Metaphysical idea is also exist in space.

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2022年11月1日、火曜日 3:00pm 雨のち曇り 11度

2022年11月02日 06時56分38秒 | 日誌




表はまだまだ夏の間に乾いて乾燥しきった状態であるので、数時間の雨では焼け石に水、全て吸い込まれて日向の地面はもう乾いている。 まぁ降らないよりはマシのレベルで明日、明後日の雨に期待している。

これからは帰国準備をしなければならない。 Visit Japan Webと言うサイトで入国の手続きが紹介されているので調べて見ることにしている。 Covidの件もあるし飛行場でスタックしないよう計画しなければと思ってる。

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Space Poem Part-2

2022年11月01日 05時32分10秒 | 画家のツブヤキ

Space as we know is still full of mysteries.
No one knows how it came by and when?

It seems Space has been here all the time.
First there was space, and then everything else.

When something there in space, how does space react for that matter to be there? Does space recedes to make a room for it or blends in and coexists?

If space is like dark matter that does not react to electromagnetic waves, it should coexist without any interferences?

Yes, space really is full of mysteries.
No one seems to have an answer.

It might be that way for a long time.
Until some one will find the answer.
But there may not be an answer after all.

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