
2007-08-18 09:02:12 | Weblog
Dear My friends

August 17, 2007
Kanzaburo Okamura

How are you?
It’s terribly hot this summer, isn‘t it?
I can't go out of my office or home.
But, are we truly happy to have air-conditioners within buildings, and that we have accustomed to stay in cool and comfortable rooms?
Although this hotness will not directly affect badly our lives today, we have to feel the inevitable approaching of the global warming in the very near future, don’t we?
Today I have read an article of a recent and relentlessly drastic thaw of permafrost in Siberia and as the result its fatal damages to the whole of the earth and people through the formidable arise of the level of sea water.
Nevertheless, we are not so nervous for any dangerous facts which don’t exist in right front of our eyes, even their approach are sure within several years or so.
Japanese have often had such indifferent attitudes for potential, risky conditions for the society, for example, most of people were indifferent to extremely critical situations against the democracy and world peace while several prime ministers and other statesmen were violently killed by crazy extremists insisting a fanatic patriotism before the Second World War.
We should constantly and carefully make efforts to sharpen our senses in the current surroundings and their direction for the future.
We shouldn’t forget that most important element in our society is the progress of people’s lives and their mind for happiness.
To realize such an important factor in our society, we have to pioneer with a courageous and decisive mind a new field undiscovered or undeveloped before.
The need has always been a mother for invention.
We have a great need to advance our society so that we must ameliorate our defective surroundings for the future prosperity of our society and our children.
Let’s cooperate with a big ambition!
See you!
