

サ・ルー・サ6/15:神の意思に沿う変化 2

2009-06-17 08:13:44 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Therefore, see beyond the outer happenings, knowing that the Light will be victorious and let nothing distract you from your goal. The old cannot possibly be restored as the dark forces relied upon the lower energies to carry out their plans, and these no longer exist as before. Such empires created by the dark for centuries of time, are now crumbling and will fall apart until they completely disintegrate. Gone also will be the negative influences, and those who were their lieutenants in their war against those of the Light. There is no place on the path to Ascension, for those who will not relinquish their attachment to the lower vibrations. At the appropriate time they will be removed elsewhere to continue life to their choosing. You need not therefore be unduly concerned with their last attempts to hold power, as it will be unsuccessful.
Look to the impending changes that are planned, that will lift you onto a new level of consciousness more in keeping with your own advancement. We of the Galactic Federation know fully well what is required to lift up you and Mother Earth. We frequently give you details so that you can see where events are going to take you before you reach that magical year of 2012. It is the end of duality as far as you are concerned, and many different sources now see that it is one of great significance. It will take our coming before the truth will be known of how these last years will affect Mankind, as your authorities know of the imminent changes but as usual prefer to keep you in the dark. Knowledge is power, and the dark have systematically kept you from knowing the truth because it would diminish their hold over you. They would prefer to keep you in a slave mentality, whereas you should be realizing that you have every right to re-claim your sovereignty.
Dream your vision of the higher realms, and what you find will still be beyond your imagination. Words cannot do justice to the range of colors and the beauty that reveals everything in a state of perfect expression. There is a peace that has no equal upon Earth, yet it is more akin to your natural godlike self. It is your home where once you dwelt before coming to Earth, as you undertook to leave such realms to experience duality. You were always promised that the end times would see you restored to the higher dimensions, and in reality you have never lost faith in those who made it to you. Your many lifetimes have always been accompanied by Higher Beings, even although you were largely unaware of their presence.
SaLuSa Sirian Update June 15/09
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