

カー・オン・ヴィーナス7/3:新しいステージの幕開け 3

2009-07-04 11:27:39 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
As a Venusian and with the coming of Ascension I am also moving with my planet Venus, although it is presently in a higher dimension than yours. Even as it is now vibrating on a higher level, it is more like the new Earth you will ascend with. It is paradise compared to what you have now, and if you could just glimpse what that means you would have no hesitation in setting your sights upon Ascension. The big game you play on Earth is coming to an end, and it will be a joyous occasion for all concerned. Yes, even those who wish to stay in your present dimension will be assured that it will continue for them. However, the choosing brings a separation that is inevitable, and your paths will become wider apart as those that are ready must now move on. So you can see that the events that are getting nearer are not just confined to Earth but are in fact of Galactic proportions. You are not of Earth as your real home is elsewhere, and your true families will rejoin you at some stage. Some of you may in any event wish to return to your home planet, whilst others will stay with us and join in our missions.
We can if required travel to the outer limits of space, and inter-dimensional journeys make it possible in the shortest time. We can spend the equivalent to many of your lifetimes aboard our ships, as we do not age and can retain our present body for 1000 years or so if necessary. It may sound strange, but the Motherships in the Galactic Federation are really like floating cities in Space. They can cater for all of our needs and we want for nothing. What you would conceive as work is a pleasure, and in no way laborious such as many of your jobs are. We have ample time for personal pursuits, and what you would call entertainment. However, in no way does it promote war or such negative subjects, as nothing of a low vibration has any place with us. Your interests will certainly change, given that we have technologies that would for example allow you to study life on other planets. You would see it reproduced as holographic images as it was actually taking place. You could also study the Suns and their planets in a similar way, and they would in a manner of speaking be brought to you. You may like the arts and music, and could talk with Mozart and discuss his compositions to pursue your interests. Life will be so different, and most importantly the Love and Light will return to it.
Thank you Ker-On.Mike Quinsey.
Ker-On of Venus Update July 3/09
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Unknown (トシ)
2009-07-04 17:20:20

アセンションと死 (flatheat)
2009-07-04 17:43:30