

サ・ルー・サ10/7;壮大な光の祝福を浴びて 2

2009-10-09 08:37:24 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Law and Order has its place in any civilization, but it is abused when it is turned against the very ones it should serve. You the people have immense power if only you will come together in a common purpose. Many voices speak out about what is happening before your very eyes, but many still turn their eyes away as if not wanting to get involved. Dear Ones your very future is at stake, and your actions will determine whether or not it is a smooth ride to Ascension, or one of continual conflict. We do our part but we need your support until we can directly come to Earth. Organize your selves and be ready to help out, as soon as the first declarations are made that indicate a great turn around in your destiny. It will come soon, and then those of you with prior knowledge will have important roles to spread the truth far and wide. Many still spend their lives in total ignorance of the truth about themselves, and also of what is going on around them. Lightworkers have an important role to play, and without exception have come to Earth to serve others at such an important time.
Look inwardly and you will find your reasons for being on Earth at this momentous time. We know that many of you wish to serve, but cannot find an outlet for your desires. We would suggest you live in awareness of any opportunities that come your way that will fulfill them. Be assured that one way or another Spirit will reach you, and remember that you have Guides who are doing their best to funnel your efforts into the right direction. Does it seem strange to you that the outcome of this cycle is already known, and that is because “All is in the Now” and seen quite clearly from our realms? It was known even when you first came to Earth that the cycle would complete with your successful Ascension. The power behind these events is the Creator, and although freewill is ever operating, some are pre-ordained. You are not some collection of evil souls that are being punished; indeed you are glorious souls of Light that have left the higher dimensions to experience duality. You are worthy of very effort that is being made to lift up as many souls as possible.
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 宇宙からのメッセージへ宇宙からのメッセージ


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ライトボディ (twinkle star)
2009-10-09 19:53:33
ふるやさん みなさん こんばんは







運命の転換 (flatheat)
2009-10-10 10:47:58