

サ・ルー・サ6/26:今起きているアセンションの意味 1

2009-06-28 09:15:43 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa June 26 2009
You have been working towards this important time for thousands of years, endeavoring to reach a level of consciousness that will enable you to leave this cycle at its closing. This is because you have to be at a particular stage of consciousness before you can fully take part in the Ascension process, and it cannot be achieved without great planning and help. Leaving you to do so on your own, would have meant that very few of you could have been successful. The lower vibrations have proved so difficult to rise up from, and in fact we know that your civilization would not have reached the millennium, as it would have already destroyed itself.
It is with some pleasure and satisfaction that we look at you now, on the verge of a great transition that we have helped you achieve. We feel sure that some of you older ones can look back at your lifetime, and recognize how far you have traveled and how much you have evolved spiritually. It has been a lively period and exceptionally challenging, yet you have achieved so much success. The energies will intensify during these final years, and we expect to see many other souls awaken in time to understand and accept the opportunity to ascend. It would gladden our hearts to see every one of you do so, but freewill gives you the choice to decide for yourself. That is a sacred Law that no one can deny and we observe in our service to you.
The chances are that most readers of these messages are at least part way to accepting the opportunity to ascend. We hope therefore to dispel any fears you may have, as we know that major changes to your life are not always welcomed with open arms. However, if you fail to recognize that Humanity has already unknowingly been in an advanced stage of surrender to the dark forces, you may choose not to ascend without realizing that you are destined to remain in this dimension. Our contact with you is to open your eyes to what has been going on around you, while at the same time assure you of help to break away from the clutches of the dark forces. More importantly, you need to be aware of the Creator’s plan for your Universe and its upliftment, that is taking place now.
SaLuSa Sirian Update June 26/09
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