


2009-09-27 10:53:04 | ファーストコンタクト
We invite Lady Master Venus with Sanat Kumara and Neptha El-Ra with Metatron to join us now. We have had an accounting from the A-Team experience in Peru during the Equinox. Lady Master Venus shared with them new information about First Contact. We ask Metatron to please answer some questions regarding what happened during the Equinox.
Please explain:
Lady Venus spoke of the Ionic Electromagnetic Field of electricity. She said we are electricity and power, connecting with the frequency of love, with Source, to make more liquid love. Please will you clarify this for us?
Beth Channel of the Answers:
"Lady Venus explained to the A-Team, First Contact will be seeing Ships as Balls of Light. You will not see something flat or material. This is not what you think it is. Get ready for some real information. We can materialize and dematerialize when we want because everything is based on energy."
Please will you tell us more about this?
As we ascend out of 3D reality, into 5D reality and Higher, we become the light that we are. We begin to see we are multidimensional Beings. We open our hearts to experiencing Higher Dimensional frequencies. It is no longer necessary for Higher Beings to appear to you in their dense frequency forms. We all raise up into the light. We are able to communicate in the language of light. A maturity sets in, fear is abandoned, and we may present ourselves in our true form: Light Beings. We travel with filaments of light which are a shell to travel the dimensions in, a sentient shell. This is our true form, formless form, living light.
St Germain, and President Obama (the Sirian Commander) both in NYC and Philadelphia today. Is it likely, since we are one week away from the end of the Fiscal Year, something may change?
There are no coincidences. Everything is happening with a sequential flow. It is like dominos falling in a pattern. The next domino cannot fall down until it is struck by the adjoining domino. Everything that needs to happen, to see the changes you look for in the World, IS happening. One of the greatest things that will occur, is, after arrests, the media will be required to tell the truth about every event as it occurs.
Throwing this shackle off humanity is one of the greatest next-steps to freedom. Until then, do not believe everything you hear, and guard yourself from mind control transmitted over the airwaves. Know that behind the scenes, meetings are taking place to put these things into effect. Know that it is impossible to stop this from happening now. This IS happening now.
Metatron and the Crystalline Body