Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:韓国徴用工、熊谷組が逆転敗訴 控訴審で1億ウォン支払い命令

2024-06-21 04:49:41 | Translation


>"韓国、「億万長者が大量に逃げ出す国」の Top4に入る"


> また約束を反故に?韓国が自称元徴用工訴訟の代位弁済に関し、日本企業も寄付に参加を・・・。【世界の〇〇にゅーす】【ニュース】

Translation; Kumagai Gumi lost upset in a conscripted workers in S. Korea = it's ordered to pay 100 million won in an appeal trial

>"韓国徴用工、熊谷組が逆転敗訴 控訴審で1億ウォン支払い命令"

> 韓国人の元徴用工の遺族が熊谷組に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の控訴審判決が 20日までにソウルの裁判所であり、原告の訴えを棄却した一審を覆し、1億ウォン(約1100万円)の賠償支払いを命じた。
> 判決は18日付。
> 聯合ニュースによると、一審は時効を理由に棄却したが昨年末の韓国最高裁の判断を受け、熊谷組の逆転敗訴となった。
> 今回の原告は2019年に提訴。
> 一審は、15年以降の提訴は時効成立になると判断した。
An appeal trial sentence in a lawsuit, in which beveaved of S. Korean former conscripted workers seek Kumagai Gumi Co., Ltd. to pay compensation was handed down at a court in S. Korea by June 20. (* the appellate division of the Seoul Central District Court) upturned the 1st trial sentence which dismissted the complaint filed by the plaintiff, and ordered it to pay 100 million won (* \11 million).
The verdict was issued on June 18.
According to Yonhap News Agency, the 1st trial dismissed that due to expiration of the statute of limitations, but in response to the judgment by the Spreme Court of Korea at the end of last year, Kumagai Gumi suffered the upset loss.
The plaintiff this time filed the lawsuit in 2019.
At the first trial, the court ruled that filing lawsuit after 2015 was invalid due to that the statute of limitations expired.

> 今回の原告は 2019年に提訴。
> 一審は、15年以降の提訴は時効成立になると判断した。
> 最高裁(ママ)は昨年、18年の最高裁判決によって初めて韓国で被害者を司法で救済できることが確実になったと指摘。
> 18日の控訴審判決は、18年判決から一定期間内に提訴したため時効にならないとした。

The plaintiff this time filed the lawsuit in 2019.
The 1st instance court ruled that a lawsuit filed after 2015 was time-barred.
Last year, the Supreme Court pointed out last year that the 2018 Supreme Court ruling made it possible for victims to receive legal relief in South Korea for the first time.
The Seoul Central District Court (* not Supreme Court of Korea) pointed out that, due to the Supreme Court of Korea sentence in 2018, it has become sure that the Judiciary can rescues the (* fake) victims.
The appeal court ruling on the 18 explained that the lawsuit was not time-barred because it was filed within a certain period of time after the 2018 ruling.

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