Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. アサヒの大逆襲

2023-05-14 04:48:01 | Translation



> 韓国「旭日旗バッシング」で朝日の社旗がスルーされる理由

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Hellow from Seoul. Grand counter-offensive by Asahi Beer

>"[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. アサヒの大逆襲"

> 韓国の若いサラリーマンに人気の焼酎に通称「イズベ」というのがある。
> 日本でもなじみの「ジンロ(真露)」の新製品だが、漢字入りなど昔のデザインで新しく売り出した際、英語で「ジンロ・イズ・バック(真露が戻ってきた)!」を宣伝文句にした。
> 韓国人は英語の「バック(back)」を「ベック」と発音するので、この英語が「イズベ」という略称となって大ヒットしたというわけ。

There is a Japanese shochu popular with young office workers in S. Korea popular name "isback."
It is a new product of "JINRO" which is familiar in Japan too. When it released the new product with an old design, such as using Chinese kanji characters, "JINRO is back!] in English was used as a publicity slogan.
As S. Koreans pronounce "back" in English as "beck," this English name became the abbreviation "isbeck" and became a big hit product.

> ところで今、若い飲み助らの間の話題は日本から輸入したアサヒビールの「生ジョッキ缶」。
> 日本のヒット商品だが、韓国でも販売が始まったとたん爆発的売れ行きだ。
> 筆者のマンション1階のコンビニも入荷と同時に売り切れとなり、まだ1缶しか飲んでいない。

Btw, in nowadays, a hot topic among young drinkers is Asahi Beer's "canned draft beer mug" (correct name in English is unknown) imported from Japan.
It is a hit product in Japan, and in S. Korea too, sales exploded as soon as sales began.
At the convenience store on the 1st floor of my apartment too, it was sold out as soon as it arrived. I therefore still drank only one can so far.

> 知り合いの韓国人はこれを「アサヒビールの〝イズベ〟だね」といっている。
> アサヒビールは先の文在寅政権時代に反日不買運動の標的にされ姿を消してしまったが、大復活というわけだ。
> ついでに皮肉をいえば、韓国で何かと目の敵にされる「旭日」デザインの「旭日」は朝の陽光つまり朝日のことだが、ビールと新聞は構わないらしい。

My S. Korean acquaintance(s) describes this as "Asahi Beer's "Isbeck."
Asahi Beer disappeared after being targeted of the "NO NO JAPAN" move during the former Moon Jae-in administration. However, it means that it has made a great revival.
Additionally, speaking ironically, the "rising sun" in the "rising sun" design, which is frequently seen with hostilily in S. Korea, refers to the morning sun lights, namely the rising sun. However, it seems that they don't mind beer and newspaper (* The Asahi Shimbun).

> 尹錫悦大統領が訪日で楽しんだエビスビールは大財閥サムスンの李在鎔(イ・ジェヨン)会長もファンと聞く。
> 相次ぐ日本ビールの朗報だが、ビールごときで一喜一憂というのも気恥ずかしい。

I heard that chairman of the conglomerate Samsung, "Lee Jae-yong," is also a fan of the "Ebisu Beer," which President Yoon Suk-yeol enjoyed when he visited Japan.
Good news for Japanese beer emerge one after another, but it's embarrassing to say so about trivial matter like beer.

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