Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 6/19)

2024-06-19 23:54:28 | Daily IWJ News

Ref.>"【韓国】Naver、漫画売り上げの9割が日韓 日韓以外では売り上げ少なく"

↓、相変わらずの "フジテレビ"、精々 "捏造 & ゴリ押し"したらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"フジテレビ「今後は中韓系のアニメを放送して儲ける」→ なんとも微妙な結果に"

↓、それに "乗せられ & 踊らされた"、これが "おバカ"の末路でしょう;
Ref.>'「性暴力処罰法違反」の疑い… BTS・JINさんにキスを試みた "日本人女性"を韓国警察が調査開始'


↓、これのそうですが、"日本"を相手に "ファビョ"る口実でしかかく、実は "大切"に思っていない "証明"でしょう;
Ref.>"【韓国】徴用被害者支援の募金終了 1年で約 7500万円"

Ref.>"サウジアラビア航空、韓国当局に申告なく「リヤド―仁川」断航… 代替便の準備もなく混乱必至"

↓、次にこれ、しかし "ベルリン"の "追軍売春婦"像は撤去されるので、"痛み分け"でしょう;
Ref.>"【韓国】「平和の少女像」イタリアに初設置へ 韓国以外では14体目"

>"Translation; A statue of camp follower (* aka comfort woman girl) will be erected in a public space in Italy, and a S. Korean organization will held an unveiling ceremony on June 22"

↓、"イタリア"も、自分が "韓国 & 朝鮮人"にこのようにやられれば、目が "醒める"でしょう;

↓、次にこれ、"TBS"は、その原因が "左翼メディア"の "偏向"報道にあると "自覚"したらよろしかろう;
Ref.>'都知事選、蓮舫氏の "選挙違反"を報じないマスコミ'


↓、"R4"(* "NHK"党も)は "論外"でしょう(* "田母神"候補は、"公約"は "マトモ"ですが、当選は "無理");


>"NHK党、都知事選ポスター枠を「販売」へ… 犬・猫・キャバ嬢・ホスト・底辺 YouTuber、なんでもOK!"


↓、次にこれ、既に "レイムダック"でしょう;

>"岸田首相、選択的夫婦別姓なお慎重 「家族の一体感に関わる」"


>'岸田首相、ウクライナに "10年支援"を決定… とりあえず 45億ドル(7000億円)提供へ'

↓、韓国は、対 "北朝鮮"政策は、確かに "正常化"しました、しかし、、、
Ref.>"Translation; N. Korea probably built a road across the military demarcation line = a specialty website reported so"

↓、対 "中国"はダメでしょう(* しかも、次は、"親米保守"ではなく、再び "従北主体思想派"政権!?);
Ref.>"Translation; The 1st Sino-S. Korea vice ministers class "2+2" meeting in which the Korean Peninsula situation was talked"

↓、"米国"も、"韓国"は "裏切る"という前提で、"戦略"を構築しておくべきでしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; To support its defense while taking China in mind = the U.S. will sale suicide drones to Taiwan"


>"崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/19)"

>"千葉麗子の X(on '24. 6/19)"

>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 6/19)"

>"西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/19)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/19)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/19)"



>'円安が止まらない原因、みんながやってる "あれ"だった…'

>"山上被告に「完全責任能力あり」 精神状態争わず、安倍元首相銃撃"

>"【動画】コンビニ ATMの使用を巡りトラブル… 自転車の男性をはね殺害しようとしたブラジル人男女を逮捕"


>"New Law Targeting Tech Giants: Expand Legal System to Prevent Unfair Transactions"

>"Cosmetic Treatment Troubles: Danger Lurking in Catchphrase 'You Can Be Beautiful'"

>"North Korea's 'Garbage Bombs,' A Window to Life in Pyongyang"

>"OBITUARY | Farewell To Fumihiko Maki, Trailblazer, Architect Extraordinaire"

>"[NOTES on a SCORECARD] Japanese Media Should Not Let Shohei Ohtani Muscle Them"

>"Explore the World of Takehisa Yumeji and Taisho Romanticism at Special Exhibition"

>"Spring Wildfires: How Depopulation and Aging Threaten Satoyama Landscapes"

>"INTERVIEW | Denny Tamaki, the Okinawa Governor 'At Loggerheads' with Tokyo"

>"B.League Coaching Carousel: New Bench Bosses in Hiroshima, Gunma, Yokohama and Nagasaki"

>【Front Japan 桜】日本人の大きな、大きな勘違い / 今なぜ "マニラ復讐裁判"を再検証する必要があるのか?[桜R6/6/19]


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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/19)

2024-06-19 23:15:32 | Translation


>"【動画】コンビニ ATMの使用を巡りトラブル… 自転車の男性をはね殺害しようとしたブラジル人男女を逮捕"

> 高市早苗 経済安全保障担当大臣「さっぽろ自民党政経セミナー 2024」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/19)


> だが産経は「夫婦別姓ではどちらかの親と子が別姓。子供の姓をどうするのか。祖父母らも絡み、いさかいや分断が起きる。住民票や運転免許証、パスポートなどで旧姓を併記できる制度も広がる。経団連はわが国の夫婦同姓の意義を国際的に発信し問題解消を」と。
> ご尤も。
> 世界一精緻な日本の戸籍制度を破壊したい理由は?

Keidanren, which has proposed the early realization of "selective separate surnames for married couples."
However, The Sankei Shimbun argued that "With separate surnames for married couples, one of the parents and the child will have a different surname. What will the child's surname be? Grandparents and others will get involved too, which could lead to a conflict and division. The system of allowing a maiden surname to be written on resident registration card, driver's license, passport, etc. is even spread. Keidanren should communicate the significance of same surnames for married couples in Japan internationally and resolve this issue."
It has a point.
Why does it want to destroy Japan's family registry system, the most sophisticated in the world?

>"<主張>経団連「夫婦別姓」 家族の呼称をなくすのか"


> 靖国神社に小便をかけた男への包囲が狭まっている。
> 中国で SNSアカウントが停止され、運営会社に抗議に行く男。
> 岸田 "弱腰"政権に代わり、仮に高市早苗政権ができれば毅然とした外相が起用され、ICPO(国際刑事警察機構)を通じて国際手配もあり得る。
> 礼拝所不敬 & 器物損壊罪、いや国民の名誉を踏みにじる罪はそれほど重いという事

The siege is tightening around the male who urinated on Yasukuni Shrine.
His social media account has been suspended in China, the male is therefore goint to the company that runs it to protest.
If a Takaichi Sanae administration replaces the "weak-kneed" Kishida administration, a firm foreign minister will be appointed, and even an international arrest warrant may also be issued via the ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization).
"Disrespect for a place of worship" and "damage to property," no, it means that the crime to violate the honor of the nationals is serious so much.



> 各地で大反響が続く〈高市早苗さんと歩む会〉だが、仙台では会場の関係で "日曜の夜"という人が集まりにくい悪条件。
> それでも国を憂う人々には沢山来て頂きたく思います。
> 伊達政宗の根拠地で日本復活への狼煙を!

A joint lecture by "Takaichi Sanae" & "myself" will be held on July 21 in Sendai, the "City of Trees."
The [Walking with Takaichi Sanae], which continuously casue overwhelming responses in various locations. However, in Sendai, due to the venue's situation, it will be held on Sunday night, which is bad condition to make it difficult to gather in large numbers.
Even so, I hope that many persons, who are concerned about the country, will come.
Let's send a signal for Japan's revival in Masamune Date's base!

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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/19)

2024-06-19 22:33:56 | Translation

Ref.>'円安が止まらない原因、みんながやってる "あれ"だった…'

>"山上被告に「完全責任能力あり」 精神状態争わず、安倍元首相銃撃"




Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/19)


> 経歴詐称で東京地検に小池知事を刑事告発した小島敏郎氏の会見の最中に、カイロ大の元副学長で名誉教授をやった人物が「カイロ大の者ですが、卒業証明書は本物です」と、小島氏に反論。
> カイロ大では小池知事の2年後輩。
> 当時キャンパスでも見かけたことがあり、カイロ大が不正をやったかのように言われていることに激怒。

In the middle of a press conference by Kojima Toshiro, who filed a criminal charge against Tokyo Gov. Koike with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office for faking her academic record, a former vice president and professor emeritus at Cairo University counterargued against Kojima, saying that "I'm from Cairo University, and her graduation certificate is genuine," he said.
At Cairo University, he was two years junior than Governor Koike.
He had seen her on campus around that time, and is furious that it's said like that Cairo University had committed fraud.

>"小池都知事を "最側近"が刑事告発 会見でまさかの展開「カイロ大卒業している」証言飛び出す"


> 公約合戦は現職である小池知事の圧勝。
> 蓮舫氏は「底の浅い公約+界隈の要請」ばかりで、見るべきものなし。
> 蓮舫氏の「パートナーシップ宣言の異性間適用」に至っては、東京都民なんて眼中になく結婚制度を解体したい左翼の要請じゃないか。
> 公約も田母神俊雄さんがいちばんまっとう。

In the election pledges battle, sitting Governor Koike won by a landslide.
Renho's promises are nothing but "shallow promises + requests from that circle," there are therefore nothing worth to see.
As for Renho's "application of the partnership declaration to opposite-sex relationships," it's a request from leftists, who wants to dismantle the marriage-system, without any consideration to the residents in Tokyo.
They attempt to include matters like "maiden names cannot be used at the U.N." in rare cases.
When it comes to election pledges too, Tamogami Toshio's is most reasonable.

>"都知事選、公約発表 少子化対策競う 争点、明確な差なく 小池氏は第1子保育無償、蓮舫氏は多子世帯に補助"


> よく気がつきましたね。
> 蓮舫氏の公約は、小池知事の「0を目指します」よりもっと詐欺的で、その多くが、結果が出ようが出まいがつっこまれないように抽象的にごまかしたものばかりです。
> 全国で注目される選挙の有力候補の公約としては最低レベルです。

You are great to have noticed that.
Renho's election pledges are even more deceptive than Gov. Koike's "I will aim for zero," and many of them are just vague and evasive so that she won't be grilled whether or not she will realize them.
These are the lowest level of pledges for the leading candidate in an election that is paid nationwide attention.



> 蓮舫さんを支援する人たちだそうだ。
> なんかすごいぞ。

They are allegedly persons supporting Renho.
That's somehow amazing.

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翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/19)

2024-06-19 21:56:40 | Translation

Ref.>"伊、公有地に慰安婦少女像設置 韓国団体が 22日に除幕式"

>"【聯合ニュース】ベルリン市内にある慰安婦像 ミッテ区役所「設置許可の延長はできない」 24年9月に容認期間が満了"

> 日本大使館前慰安婦像撤去集会

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/19)


> 安倍叩きに命を賭けていた(笑)週刊文春を出す出版社なので、部署は違えどもこの記事は体のいい後出しじゃんけんと思われるだろう。
> 朝日がここまでできないのは謝罪も検証もおざなりで日韓両国のまともな人たちから心底憎まれているからだ。
> 実証研究で明らかにした慰安婦問題

It's the publisher of Shukan Bunshun, which put its life on the line to Abe-bashing (lol), so this article will likely be seen as a convenient hindsight move, even though the department is different.
The reason why The Asahi Shimbun can't do to thid degree is because it has neglected to apologize and investigate, it's therefore deeply hated by decent persons in both Japan and S. Korea.
The comfort women issue revealed through empirical research.

>"韓国も日本も真実に基づかない運動に騙されてきた -- 韓国の歴史学者が実証研究で明らかにした「慰安婦問題」の真実"


> 朝日新聞や岩波書店、社会党系団体、人物、日教組等の日本憎悪策動者たちに、「強制連行」と「性奴隷」は捏造だから責任を取れ、と朱益鍾(チュイクチョン)博士は言っている。
> 誰も答えないのかな?
> 上智の共産党系反日教師の中野晃一は、「主戦場」というヘイト映画制作に関与した責任をどう取るのか?

Dr. Joo Ik-jong said that the Japan-hate initiators at The Asahi Shimbun, Iwanami Shoten, JSP-affiliated organizations & individuals, the Japan Teachers Union and so on must take responsibility because the claims of "forceful abductions" and "sex slaves" are fabrications.
Is no one going to answer?
How will Nakano Koichi, JCP-affiliated anti-Japan professor at Sophia University, take responsibility for his involvement in producing the hate film "Shusenjo"?



> これが常識というものです。
This is what's common sense.



> また共同通信のヘイト問題取材犯(ママ)ですね。
> 日本と日本人をヘイト攻撃する報道を装う犯行と言えるでしょう。
> 地方紙でも共同との契約を見直す動きがあるのは、時代の趨勢が元々あるが、こんな記事や沖縄議会選挙の偏向による誤報もあり、これは完全な害毒です。

It's once again the Kyodo News hate issue reporting criminal (* team!?).
It can be said as a crime conducting hate-attack on Japan and Japanese, while pretending to be a news report.
The reason why there is a move to review the contract with Kyodo News even among local newspapers is, even though originally the trend of period, such article and the false report about the Okinawa Pref. assembly election due to bias. This is therefore poison completely.

>"共同通信、沖縄県議選挙で実際の結果と異なる誤報… 20紙が誤った記事を掲載"

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翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/19)

2024-06-19 20:44:42 | Translation

Ref.>"フジテレビ「今後は中韓系のアニメを放送して儲ける」→ なんとも微妙な結果に"


>'「性暴力処罰法違反」の疑い… BTS・JINさんにキスを試みた "日本人女性"を韓国警察が調査開始'

>【韓国の反応・原発】韓国の月城原子力発電所、放射性物質 20年ダダ漏れ!【韓国人の反応・海外の反応】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/19)


> 韓国原発の状況
> 原発の近くに住んでる隣町の住民たちが「新しい原発は私たちの村へ」と誘致活動を始める
> 実際、近くに 40年間住んできた人たちの意見。
> 理由は

The situation of nuclear power plants in S, Korea.
Residents in a neighboring town, who live near a nuclear power plant, have begun campaigning to attract one, saying that "Bring a new nuclear power plant to our village."
In fact, this is the opinion of persons who have lived nearby for 4 decades.
The reasons are as follows;
- They are convinced that it's safe
- It will lead to the development of the town
- It will increase the income of residents.



> 英語圏で生まれた私の甥(両親は韓国系2世)はデンマーク人、ロシア人の名前🤣
> 名付けた従兄弟がちょっと変わった人で、自分が好きな作品(本)から選んだ。
> 私は甥たちの名前が気に入ってる😅

My nephews (their parents are S. Korean 2nd generation), who were born in an English-speaking country, have Danish and Russian names🤣
My cousin, who named them, was a bit unusual person, and therefore chose them from works (books) he liked.
I like my nephews' names😅

> 2人の候補が次のような公約を挙げたら選挙盛り上がると思うよ🤣🤣
> 小池:二重国籍取り締まる
> 蓮舫:学歴詐称徹底検証する

If the two candidates made the following election pledges, I think the election would be fired up🤣🤣
Koike: Crack down on dual citizenship
Renho: Thoroughly investigate academic fraud

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