Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/24)

2024-06-24 19:55:35 | Translation

Ref.>"蓮舫さんに殺害予告 警視庁が捜査"




>【都知事選】告示後初の週末に候補者どこへ?演説場所から見えてくる "戦略"とは【サンデーステーション】(2024年6月 24日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/24)


> これは親の責任じゃないかな?
> チケット買わないで映画館に入って「席がない」と騒いでも…😳
> なにじんであれ、チケットあれば座れる。
> それを無視して入り、子供に苦労させた親の責任は大きい。

This is the parents' fault, isn't it!?
Even though you go into the cinema without buying a ticket and then complain that there are no seats...😳
No matter your nationality, you can sit down if you have a ticket.
Parents are largely responsible for ignoring this and going in and causing their children trouble.




> 都知事選の選挙権持っている知人に「誰にするかもう決めた?」と聞いたら、「この人なら任せる!」と思える人がいなくて困ってるという🙄
> しかし「こいつだけは絶対ダメだ」と思う人は一人いるらしい。
> 誰とは言ってないが、何となく伝わったよ🤣

I questioned an acquaintance, who is an eligible voter in the Tokyo gubernatorial election, "Have you already decided to whom you will vote for?" He or she replied to have troubled because there was no one to whom "I can trust this person to the position!" 🙄
But it seems there is one person to whom he or she thinks that "This one is absolutely unacceptable."
Even though he or she didn't to name, but I someshow felt that🤣
It's absolutely "that person."

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