Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 6/7)

2024-06-07 23:57:37 | Daily IWJ News


↓、"食料"事情、etc.を、自ら進んで "暴露"したらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"Translation; [Hellow from Seoulr]. Waste paper, cigarette butts and livestock droppings = the N. Korean garbage story is a valuable source of information for understanding the reality of this ultra-closed country (Katsuhiro Kuroda)"

Ref.>"在日「大切な故郷を奪わないで」 ヘイト投稿裁判始まる"

↓、"パンチョッパリ"は "故郷"(* not "日本")に、引き取って貰えばよろしかろう;
Ref.>"永住権取り消し規定、在日韓国人らが削除求める 「人権脅かす重大事案」"

↓、"必要経費"は、"偽善者 & 人間のクズ"(* "証拠" = "草津市長"への態度)に、"請求"したらよろしかろう;

↓、素行の悪い "外国人"より、"人間のクズ"である "日本人"(* "反日左翼")こそが問題でしょう;
Ref.>'日本の救急車は "無料"、外国人旅行者にバレた結果…'

>"【難民】X民『こいつらア◯なの?帰国したら殺される。とか難民申請が 99%通らないということは100%という事、とか言ってるがそもそも不法滞在は犯罪です』(※動画)"

Ref.>"【動画】迷惑系韓国人 YouTuberさん、対馬の撮影禁止のスポーツ用品店に何度も絡み警察を呼ばれる…"


↓、それだけでなく、"旭日旗" = "戦犯旗"という "フェイク"も、"日本 & 日本人"が "修正"させねばなりません;
Ref.>"韓国紙「ウェブトゥーンはマンガを超えた」→ 5ch記者の抗議メールで記事修正"

>"Translation; Online comments of praise that "A strong sense of justice" = nearby residents protested by throwing eggs and filth at doctor who raised the Rising Sun flag in S. Korea"

↓、"朝鮮人"への "強制連行 & 強制労働"という "フェイク"も、"日本 & 日本人"が "修正"させねばなりません;
Ref.>"Translation; "As the whole gorvement will deal with it" in order for listing of the Sado goled mines on UNESCO WCH = CCS Yoshimasa Hayashi expressed so"

>"Translation; Mass media in S. Korea reported en masse that "registration is postponed" = "If our standpoint is reflected, we will response," S. Korea expressed so about listing of Sado gold mines on UNESCO WCH"

↓、"地元"でのみ使用可とすれば、"貯蓄"に廻される事も無く、確実に "景気対策"にはなります;

↓、とにもかくにも、"R4"を "当選"させるワケにはいかないと、そこを "失念"すべきでないでしょう;


>"麻生太郎氏「2千年にわたって同じ民族が、同じ言語で、同じ一つの王朝を保ち続けている国など世界中に日本しかない」→ 蓮舫氏「だから?多様性認めて」→ 有本氏「多様性を履き違える不見識の典型」"

↓、"こんなの"(* "立憲共産党," "デニー玉城派," etc.)に "投票"する位であれば;

>"「直前まで判断を迷ったが中止にできず実施した」パーティー禁止を訴えながら… 立憲・牧義夫衆院議員が政治資金パーティーを開催"

↓、"投票所"ではなく、"パンケーキ"を喰らいに行ってくれた方が、確かに "良い"でしょう;

↓、"ホストクラブ"より、"パンケーキ"の方が "健全 & 安上り"である為、なお良しでしょう;
Ref.>"立憲、悪質ホストクラブ被害防止法案を提出 → 反応『キャバクラも同じようによろしくな?』『いかなければいいだけじゃん』"

↓、"現場"の苦労も知らず、"左翼"の "平和憲法"という "口車"に乗せられ "投票"してくれては、"迷惑"でしょう;


Ref.>"Yahoo!ニュース『手術なしで性別変更 男性の喜び』"

↓、"アベ辞めろ"判決(* "札幌高裁")との "整合性"が問題でしょう;
Ref.>"「つばさの党」代表ら3人を再逮捕へ 立憲議員への "選挙妨害"で 選挙カー用い実況見分"

>"崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/7)"

>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 6/7)"

>"新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 6/7)"

>"西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/7)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/7)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/7)"




>"中国四川省のチベット人居住区でダム建設のための立ち退き命令に抗議運動、1000人以上が逮捕 寺院や伝統的建物なども取り壊しへ"

>"お米作り、まさかのリモートワーク化を実現! 月1回の視察で約 800kgの収穫に成功"

>"金正恩氏、総量約1500トン 35万個のう◯こ風船を準備中「100倍量の汚物を散布する」… ソウル・平壌が糞便まみれの危機"


>"Georgia's New Law: Can Russian Influence Be Eliminated?"

>"Political Funds Control Law Revision: Seize Moment as Turning Point for Politics Less Reliant on Money"

>"Mudskippers Jumping for Love in Kyushu's Ariake Sea"

>"Hidden Wonders | Strange Guardrails in Tokyo's Nerima Ward"

>"Princess Kako Wins Hearts With Elegant and Approachable Fashion Sense"

>"Cracking Gudetama: Exploring the Layers of Japan's Beloved Lazy Egg"

>"Lunar Robot SORA-Q Replicas to Inspire Children at Schools and Museums"

>"[NPB NOTEBOOK] Newcomer Elier Hernandez Off to a Sizzling Start for Yomiuri Giants"

>"[ICE TIME] After Shoma Uno's Retirement, a New Generation of Skating Stars Moves into the Spotlight"

>【Front Japan 桜】要注意!「皇族数確保」に潜む危険性 / 皇居勤労奉仕報告[桜R6/6/7]


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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/7)

2024-06-07 23:29:50 | Translation

Ref.>"Yahoo!ニュース『手術なしで性別変更 男性の喜び』"


>"麻生太郎氏「2千年にわたって同じ民族が、同じ言語で、同じ一つの王朝を保ち続けている国など世界中に日本しかない」→ 蓮舫氏「だから?多様性認めて」→ 有本氏「多様性を履き違える不見識の典型」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/7)


> 都内の小学校では "紅組・白組廃止"で "勝ち負けもつけず"、徒競走も "去年の自分に勝つ"との事で "フレーフレー!自分"との〈偽善運動会〉が開かれているそうな。
> 戦後日本を席捲した順位をつけない日教組教育再び。
> 日本が競争を否定して喜ぶ国は?
> 国の未来をちゃんと考えたら?

"Hypocritical sports days" are allegedly held at elementary schools in Tokyo -- "red and white teams are abolished," "not separate winners and losers," and in the running race, students chant "Go, go, me!" in an attempt to "beat last year's me."
The "Nikkyoso" education system, which doesn't assign rankings, which swept across post-war Japan, is back.
Which country will be happy, if Japan rejected competition?
Why not give proper thought to the country's future?

>"小学校の運動会で「紅組・白組を廃止」の動き "勝ち負けをつけない"方針で、徒競走も「去年の自分に勝つ」 応援は「フレー! フレー! 自分」に"


>"爆買いの父"ラオックス羅怡文会長に東京の火葬が乗っ取られているとの文春オンラインを引用し、白川司氏が「斎場運営の東京博善が火葬料金59000円を6月1日、90000円に大幅アップ。江戸川区公営斎場の都民の火葬料は 59600円。横浜市の市民の火葬料は一律12000円なのであまりに高い」と。
> 何でも中国にやられ放題。
> やがて水道も?

By quoting the article of Bunshun Online which says that a crematorium in Tokyo has been taken over by Laox's "Yiwen Luo", the "father of shopping sprees," Tsukasa Shirakawa X-posted that "Tokyohakuzen Company Ltd., which runs the funeral halls, has dramatically increased the cremation fee from \59,000 to \90,000 on June 1. The cremation fee for Tokyo residents at Edogawa Ward's public funeral halls is \59,600. The cremation fee for Yokohama city residents is a flat \12,000. So it's just too expensive."
China can do whatever it wants.
The water supply will be the same sooner or later!?




> 石川和男氏が米仏に次ぐ世界3位の原子力発電国・中国を「日本のマスコミは殆ど報じないが、中国は原子力大国。日本は再び原子力を主力電源の一つにする必要あり。電気料金引下げとエネルギー安全保障のため」と。
> 日本の国力を弱める為に媚中議員を総動員して自国生産の太陽光発電パネルを日本に張り巡らせる中国。
> 本当に情けない

Concerning the world No. 3 nuclear power generation powerhouse China, Kazuo Ishikawa X-posted that "Although mass media in Japan hardly reports on this, China is a nuclear power. Japan needs to make nuclear power one of its main sources of electricity again. The goal is to lower electricity prices and ensure energy security."
It's China that, in order to weaken Japan's national power, who mobilize all pro-China politicians and install domestically produced solar panels all over Japan.
It's really pathetic.


>"中国 商業用原子力発電所の運転開始から 30年 -- 原子力発電設備容量がこの10年で大きく拡大"


> 中国人の日本への移住ブームが続く。
> 業者への日本帰化の相談も。

The migration-boom to Japan in Chinese continues.
Consultations with companies about naturalization is the same.
In response to a question that "If a Communist Party member wants to obtain Japanese nationality, how does the application process work?", a company replied that "Politics and faith have nothing to do with it. It's also free to take aristocratic surnames such as Fujiwara or Saionji."
Aanger that "They should realise that this is an invasion of Japan. Can't they even imagine what Japan will be like few decades later? Uighur-language is a banned in the Uighur Autonomous Region" is serious.



>「2千年にわたり同じ民族が同じ言語で同じ一つの王朝を保ち続けている国など世界中に日本しかない」との麻生財務相の言葉に、蓮舫氏は「私からすれば "だから?"です。多様性を認めあい、お互いの違いを認識し支え合う社会を」と。
> 要するに "早く日本を溶かして違う国になりましょう"と。
> このヒトに入れる都民ってどんな人なんだろう

In response to remarks by Finance Minister Taro Aso that "Japan is the only country all over the world, where the same ethnic group has been maintaining the same dynasty while using the same language for 2,000 years," UH lawmaker Renho (CDPJ) said that "From my point of view, it's "So what?" We need to create a society where diversity is accepted mutually, recognizes each other's differences and supports each other."
In short, she expressed that "Let's dissolve Japan ASAP and become a different country."
What kind of persons who voted to this person!?



> 広島では "救国の鳳"と名づけられた高市早苗さんに「次はどこ?」との問合せ殺到。
> 6月16日佐賀大会(午後2時 唐津シーサイドH)の後は東京(7月16日)& 仙台(7月21日)で、8月は札幌や名古屋…
> 毎回「そこまで日本の危機が迫っているのか」との感想を頂くダブル講演会。
> 申込みはお早めに

"Takaichi-san" has become a trending topic.
Takaichi Sanae, whose nickname in Hiroshima was "the national saving Phoenix," is receiving a flood of inquiries that "Where is the next place?"
After the Saga-rally on June 16 (2:00 pm, Karatsu Seaside Hotel), she will go to Tokyo (July 16) and Sendai (July 21). In August, she will go to Sapporo and Nagoya...
The double lectures, that always make participants have an impression that "The crisis of Japan is so close!?"
Please apply ASAP.

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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/7)

2024-06-07 22:33:26 | Translation



>"「つばさの党」代表ら3人を再逮捕へ 立憲議員への "選挙妨害"で 選挙カー用い実況見分"



Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/7)


> そんなことを認めるわけがない。
> 台北が中国の首都になったって「1つの中国」です。

There is no way to accept such matter.
It's "We don't deny the One China policy."
Even if Taipei becomes the capital of China, it's still "One China."



> そのとおり。
> 今でもいろいろあるのに、台湾が占領されたら大変なことになる。
> それがわからないというのは、よほど想像力に欠けているのだろう。

You have a point.
Persons who deny that a Taiwan contingency is a Japanese one probably think that, even if Taiwan became a part of China, "the route of tankers from the Middle East would still be able to be secured, there would be no problems with the surrounding undersea cables, Okinawa would not be inundated with illegal immigrant boats of unknown nationality, Chinese PLA naval vessels and fighter jets would not frequently intrude into our territory or territorial waters, and a flood of spies would not come," etc.
Even though many things are happening even in nowadays, even if Taiwan is occupied, it will be a disaster.
It they can't understand this, it means that that they are serious without imagination.



> つばさの党が他陣営の選挙カーを追跡したりしたとして、公選法違反容疑で、黒川敦彦代表、根本良輔幹事長らなど3人を再逮捕へ。
> 酒井氏陣営の選挙カーを約 20分間にわたり選挙カーで追跡し、「質問に答えないから追い掛けるしかない」などと大音量で話し続けたため。

Three Tsubasa no Party members, including representative Atsuhiko Kurokawa and Secretary General Nemoto Ryosuke, are re-arresting on suspicion of violating the Public Offices Election Act for chasing a campaign vehicle belonging to another camp, etc.
They chased a campaign vehicle belonging to Sakai's cam for about 20 minutes in a campaign car and kept saying loudly, such as that "We have no choice but to chase you because you don't answer our questions."

>"「つばさの党」代表ら3人再逮捕へ ほかの候補者にも演説妨害容疑―「カーチェイス」行為も立件・警視庁"


> 蓮舫氏が6月 20日の告示まで参院議員を続け、立候補と同時に議員辞職となる「自動失職」を選ぶことを明らかに。
> 会期は6月 23日までなので、蓮舫氏の日頃の言動に反して何の大義名分もけじめもないやり方。

Renho has made it clear that She has choised to continue as a UH lawmaker until the announcement (* of the Tokyo gubernatorial election) on June 20, and "automatic termination" meaning that she will lose her lawmaker's seat when she runs for the election.
The session will run until June . therefore contracting with Renho's usual hevaviors, this is a way that with neither justification nor sense of responsibility.

>"蓮舫氏、都知事選告示日まで「参院議員」辞めず 「自動失職」を明言、石丸伸二氏と対応分かれる"


> 蓮舫氏の国家観。
> まるで反日運動家。

Renho's state view.
She's like an anti-Japan activist.



If it's "Although it says [Tokyo Gubernatorial Election] at the top, that is just decoration and has nothing to do with Renho. It's simply a flyer announcing [Tokyo Kickoff], an event to start football in Tokyo. This time, Maekawa Kihei and others are invited to join us as comedians to watch the football game together. At the end of the event, everyone will sing [It's Abe's fault we lost the football game]," it's no problem.



> これ、アウトでしょう?
Thi is out, isn't it!?

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翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/7)

2024-06-07 21:25:25 | Translation



>"立憲、悪質ホストクラブ被害防止法案を提出 → 反応『キャバクラも同じようによろしくな?』『いかなければいいだけじゃん』"

>"「直前まで判断を迷ったが中止にできず実施した」パーティー禁止を訴えながら… 立憲・牧義夫衆院議員が政治資金パーティーを開催 "

>【台湾が日本に感謝】台湾新政権が混乱【一般ライブ】6/7 (金) 17:00~17:30【渡邉哲也show】渡邉哲也×西村幸祐×小野寺まさる

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/7)


> 玉城デニー後援会長、仲里利信氏の不思議なスピーチ。
> 玉城デニー沖縄県知事とは、何者か?
> 今こそ、その正体を全国民が知る時だ。
> それは決してバカを装っているのでなく、沖縄と台湾の地政学的関係を解った上で、中国共産党の日本侵略に国内から手を貸しているからだ。
> 台湾のバシー海峡は南シナ海に繋がる。
> 東シナ海は南シナ海に繋がる。
> 当たり前だ。
> 南シナ海を日本への石油、天然ガスなどエネルギー資源の 92%以上が通り、他の物流の 90%が通過する。
> そんな小学生でも解るような事は、地政学という言葉も使う必要もないだろう。
> 日本人の敵、玉城デニーと沖縄北京メディアの2紙は万死に値する。

A strange speech by Toshinobu Nakazato, chairman of the Denny Tamaki supporters' association.
Who is Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki?
Now is the time for all nationals to know his true identity.
He pretends not to know the obvious proposition that "a Taiwan contingency is a Japanese one."
It's not true that he pretends to be a stupid. He understands the geopolitical relationship between Okinawa and Taiwan, and is lending a hand to the Chinese Communist Party's invasion of Japan from inside of the country.
Taiwan's Bashi Channel connects to the South China Sea.
The East China Sea connects to the South China Sea.
It's as a matter of course.
More than 92% of energy resources such as oil and natural gas to Japan pass through the South China Sea, and 90% of other logistics pass through it.
There is no need to use the word geopolitics for something that even an elementary school student can understand.
Denny Tamaki, the enemy of the Japanese people, and the two Okinawan Beijing media newspapers deserve to die.



> 反日新聞、琉球新報の恐ろしい時代錯誤。
> この狂った社説を見ろ。
> まるで米軍占領下の GHQ統制下のような洗脳駄文が続く。
> 沖縄を守るために戦い、自決した牛島司令官の辞世は 沖縄県民だけでなく日本国民全員が胸に刻む言葉だ。
> 日本ヘイトの琉球新報は日本人に刃を向けている。

Frightening anachronism of the anti-Japan newspaper Ryukyu Shimpo.
Read this crazy editorial.
Brainwashing nonsense sentences, just like written under the control of GHQ under the U.S. occupation, continues.
The last words of Commander Ushijima, who fought to defend Okinawa and committed suicide, are words that not only the Okinawa prefecture residents but all Japanese nationals should crave in their hearts.
The Japan-hate Ryukyu Shimpo is turning its blade against the Japanese nationals.

>"<社説>HPに牛島司令官辞世 自衛隊は「皇軍」に戻るのか"

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翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 6/7)

2024-06-07 20:51:28 | Translation



>"立憲、悪質ホストクラブ被害防止法案を提出 → 反応『キャバクラも同じようによろしくな?』『いかなければいいだけじゃん』"

>"「直前まで判断を迷ったが中止にできず実施した」パーティー禁止を訴えながら… 立憲・牧義夫衆院議員が政治資金パーティーを開催 "

> 利権のお金が新聞社に そりゃ杉田議員を叩き続けるわ / 公明党とメディアの暴挙 天皇陛下を北海道へお招きしたのは舞台の上から下に見る様な写真を撮る事が目的 No-095 / 20231208

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 6/7)


> 自衛隊視察のロングバージョンも撮ったのですが、編集等に少し時間がかかるので、今日はショート動画をアップすることにします。
I filmed a long version of the SDF inspection, but it will take a little bit more time to edit it, etc. Today, I therefore upload a short footage.

> パラオ共和国 🇵🇼大統領との懇談、中国の脅威

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