Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:「朝鮮学校の存在知って」 無償化求める裁判記録の上映会

2023-10-29 21:42:08 | Translation



>"【東京】朝鮮学校への補助金の一日も早い復活を目指して 242人が集会"

> 北朝鮮への忠誠を誓う東京朝鮮学校の生徒たち

↓(See detail of this article)、東京新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Tokyo Shimbun)

Translation; "Please Know about the true character (* not existence) of Korean schools" -- Screening of court-record (* unfairly) seeking to be applied tuition free program

>"「朝鮮学校の存在知って」 無償化求める裁判記録の上映会"

> 高校無償化から除外された朝鮮学校による訴訟を記録したドキュメンタリー映画「差別」が7日、松江市で上映された。
> 生徒とともに裁判を闘った教師や保護者によるトークイベントも開催。

On Oct. 7, the documentary film "Victim Cosplay" (* not Discrimination), which documents lawsuits filed by Korean schools that was originally not eligible for (* not excluded from) the high school tuition free program, was screened in Matsue City.
A talk event was also held by teachers and parents who fought the lawsuit alongside students.
They appealed that "Everyone has the right to be educated (* Legally speaking, Korean schools are not "school" but "cram school"). We want people to know about the true character (* not existence) of Korean schools and think about it."

> 映画は、2021年に韓国の若手映像作家2人が製作。
> 訴訟の過程や朝鮮学校の歴史、生徒たちの学生生活を追った。
> 広島朝鮮初中高級学校の保護者として裁判に関わった女性は「これからも(権利を獲得できるよう)頑張りたい」と語った。
> 裁判は全国5地裁・支部で起こされたが、いずれも学校側の敗訴が確定した。

The film was produced in 2021 by two young S. Korean filmmakers.
It followed the process of the lawsuits, the history of the Korean schools, and the school-lives of the students.
A female who was involved in the lawsuit as a parent of Hiroshima Korean Junior High & High School said that "I want to continue to do my best (to obtain the rights)."
The lawsuits were filed with totally five district courts and a branch office across the country. However, in each case, the loss of the school side was finalized.

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