Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


Daily IWJ News('24. 6/18)

2024-06-18 23:53:30 | Daily IWJ News


↓、"朝鮮人" = "世界最高"民族、従って not "世界4大" but "世界最高"コンテンツでしょう;

↓、その1つである "ウェブトゥーン"の前に、"フランス"も膝を屈しひれ伏しました(多分)!?
Ref.>"韓国紙「『ウェブトゥーン?これが漫画か?』 ウェブトゥーンを嘲笑するフランス」"

↓、その "世界最高"コンテンツの1つ、"K-pop"を日本で、、、"KARA"は "親日罪"(* "反民族法"違反)により、"死刑"でしょう;

↓、"日本"側としても、"韓国 & 朝鮮人"は、間に合ってますので、"結構"です;

Ref.>'【韓国】「日本政府糾弾」在韓日本大使館向かいで "旭日旗"燃やした大学生3人、罰金刑確定'

↓、ならば次は、在韓 "ドイツ"大使館向かいにて、"ハーケンクロイツ"を燃やしたらよろしかろう;
Ref.>"【韓国】「キム・ミンジェがいない」 バイエルン伊藤が主力予想… 序列明暗に韓国嘆き「信じられない」"

↓、口を開けば "ドイツ"を見習え、、、ならば "韓国 & 朝鮮人"は、やはり(* "丁寧"に)"無視"すべきなのでしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; Concerning listing of the Sado gold mine complex on UNESCO WCH, a meeting between LDP lawmakers and S. Korean ambassador to Japan Yun Duk-min is postponed for the time being"

↓、次にこれ、"2位"、つまり "落選"で満足したらよろしかろう;
Ref.>'蓮舫氏、『2位じゃダメなのか発言』を分析され "ご満悦"「初めて」'

↓、"比較"の問題です、"相対的"に、より "マシ"な側を当選させるより、仕方ないでしょう;



>'元側近・小島敏郎氏、小池百合子都知事を『公職選挙法違反容疑』で刑事告発! "7つの重大証拠"'

↓、次にれ、その "通り"でしょう;

↓、"沖縄"でも "脳内お花畑"にて "平和の舞"に興じるのは、もう止めようという "雰囲気"になってきました;
Ref.>"Translation; The MoD notified to start the full scale work in Henoko, while displeasure is unavoidable (* but weakening)"

↓、"セキュリティ・クリアランス" & "経済安全保障"への "取り組み"も、"大至急"、進めるべきでしょう;
Ref.>"Translation; A step in order to run in the LDP presidential election!? = LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP) will publish her new book in July, and the release date "is requested to be the 8th, the date of the death of" former PM Abe"


>"崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/18)"

>"杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 6/18)"

>"西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/18)"

>"白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/18)"

>"門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/18)"

>"新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 6/18)"


>"携帯契約の本人確認、マイナンバーカードの読み取り義務化へ 運転免許証などの券面確認は「廃止」"

>"Consider how to prevent children from spending without parental knowledge"

>"Summit on Peace: International Pressure on Russia Should Be Increased"

>"Chagu Chagu Umakko: A Unique Horse Festival in Iwate"

>"MLB Notes: Yoshinobu Yamamoto Sidelined with a Shoulder Injury"

>"Imperial Family Retreat Photos Offer Rare Glimpse into Their Daily Lives"

>"INTERVIEW | Sustaining Healthcare Excellence in an Aging Nation"

>"INTERVIEW | A New Taiwan President Takes Stance, No Concessions to China"

>"EDITORIAL | G7 Countries Right to be Concerned About Disruptive China"

>"The East Wind Rises: China and Russia's Lawfare and Its Threat to Global Security"

>【Front Japan 桜】G7で確定した冷戦 / 中国経済はデフレなの?インフレなの?[桜R6/6/18]


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翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/18)

2024-06-18 23:13:30 | Translation


>"元側近・小島敏郎氏、小池百合子都知事を『公職選挙法違反容疑』で刑事告発! "7つの重大証拠""

>"高市早苗大臣書下ろし『日本の経済安全保障~国家国民を守る黄金律』がAmazon総合2位!『増税なんて100%必要ない! 日本のとてつもない底力! 全ビジネスマン必読! 日本企業は世界で大活躍できる! チャイナリスクの実態を正しく理解せよ!』"

>【右向け右】第 526回 - 潮匡人・評論家 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 6/18)


> ハーバード大のラムザイヤー教授や韓国の朱益鍾博士ら専門家を県議会に招聘し、徹底討論のうえ自らの不明を恥じ、撤回せよ

The Shimane Pref. assembly, which passed, submitted it to the government and has yet retracted an unbelievable opinion letter (June 26, 2013) stating that "Tokyo should take the Kono Statement into account and sincerely implement its contents."
They should invite experts such as "Prof. Mark Ramseyer at Harvard Law School" and "Dr. Joo Ik-jong in South Korea" to the prefectural assembly, carry out a thorough discussion, and should be ashamed on their own ignorance and retract that.



> 頼清徳総統の就任スピーチに台湾包囲演習という恫喝で応えた中国に「中国の安全を確保する観点で行われている」と全面擁護した玉城デニー知事。
> 完全な操り人形である事は周知だが、さすがに "オール沖縄"は県議選で大幅に議席を減らして半数を割った。
> それでも「辺野古に反対の民意は弱まってない」と強弁。
> 沖縄を捨て、彼の国の為に精々尽くして下さい

Gov. Denny Tamaki, who fully defended China, which responded to President Lai Ching-te's inauguration speech with the threat of the Taiwan besiege military excercises, saying that "this is being done from a viewpoint to ensure China's security."
It is well known that he is a complete puppet. However, as expected, the "All Okinawa" lost a large number of seats in the prefectural assembly election, falling to less than half.
Nevertheless, he insisted that "public opinion against Henoko has yet weakened."
Please abandon Okinawa and do your best for that country.



> 中国の "三戦(心理戦、宣伝戦、法律戦)"が佳境。
> 近づく台湾侵攻に向け "媚中人士"動員で「一つの中国」アピール。
> 建国以来、1度も支配も統治もしていないのに当時、国連安保理常任理事国だった中華民国を "自分の国"と。
> 内戦によって中華民国から "独立"したのはあなた方ですよ。
> 応援させられている平和ボケ & 媚中の皆さんも恥を知りなさい

China's "three wars" (psychological warfare, propaganda warfare & legal warfare) are reaching its climax.
In order for an approaching invasion of Taiwan, they appeal for "One China" by mobilizing "pro-China persons."
Although they have neither ruled nor governed the Republic of China, which was one of P-5 of the U.N. Security Council at the time, they claim it's "their country."
It was you, who gained "independence" from the Republic of China through the civil war.
You "peace-loving" & "pro-China" persons, who are being forced to support them, should also be ashamed on yourself.



> Record Chinaによると靖国 "落書き男"に日本が怒り、在広州日本国総領事館が旅行会社11社の訪日観光ビザ申請手続き権を取り消した、と台湾メディアが報道。
> 総領事館が各旅行会社に宛てた書面が流出して発覚。
> 素晴らしい。
> 毅然と対応すれば相手が崩れる。
> それが社会の鉄則

According to Record China, Taiwanese media reported that Japan was outraged by the Yasukuni "graffiti male," and the Japanese Consulate-General in Guangzhou revoked the right of 11 travel agencies to process tourist visa applications for Japan.
The matter was revealed, as a letter sent by the Consulate-General to each travel agency was leaked.
If you respond firmly, the counterpart collapses.
This is the golden rule of society.

>"靖国神社落書き男に日本が怒る、旅行会社11社の訪日観光ビザ申請手続き権を取り消す -- 台湾メディア"


> マスコミの執着で "小石河"はなぜか常に上位に。
> だが "創られた数字"でなく、その次にはしっかり高市早苗氏の名。
> 島田洋一氏は FNN & 産経調査を見て「自民 No.2の幹事長で首相への意欲を見せながら 0.4%前後の茂木氏。悲惨なまでの人望のなさ。加藤勝信氏も "歩く官僚答弁"が祟ってゼロに近い」と。
> 次期総裁は絞られつつある

Due to the media's obsession, "Ko-Ishi-Kawa" are always ranked high for some reason.
But it's not "created numbers," as the name of Sanae Takaichi is in the next place.
Yoichi Shimada read the survey by FNN & The Sankei and X-posted that "Motegi, who takes the 2nd place of the LDP, secretary-general, shows a strong will to become prime minister, but his support rate is only around 0.4%. He is miserably without popularity. Kato Katsunobu is also close to zero, due to his "walking bureaucrat answering."
The candidates for the next president are being narrowed down.



> こんな YouTubeを見つけました。
> いずれにしても「高市早苗さんと歩む会」がいよいよ東京で。
> 保守派の希望・高市さんと私とのダブル講演会。
> 各地の参加者は「9月の総裁選は "日本を守れるかどうか"の最終決戦」と。
> 首都の皆様も是非

I found this YouTube footage.
Is it funny that it says "July 16" insted of "July 17"!?
In any way, the "Walking with Sanae Takaichi" event will finally be held in Tokyo.
It's a joint lecture by the hope of conservatives Takaichi of and myself.
Participants from all over the country says that "The LDP presidential election in September is the final battle over whether or not we can defend Japan."
Everyone in the capital will participate in it please, by all means.



> またまた共同通信が俎上に。
> 有村治子氏が「今年3月、国会質問で一切発言していないのに "在日外国人への偏見を助長する発言"と共同通信の名で虚偽報道。国会議事録・質問動画でも、そのような発言が一切ないとの事実が明らかになり、議事録すら確認していないという報道機関としてあるまじき杜撰で無責任な発信を世論から指摘されると事実無根のこの攻撃をこっそり削除。謝罪なし。訂正記事もなし」と。
> 事実を捨て、イデオロギーで報じる "願望"通信。
> この伝統の通信社も終焉が近づいていることを感じる

Kyodo News once again becomes a topic.
UH lawmaker Haruko Arimura X-posted that 'In last March, Kyodo News falsely reported that "remarks that promote prejudice against foreigners living in Japan," even though I never made any such remarks during questioning in a Diet session. It was later revealed that no such remarks were made in the Diet minutes or the footage showing the questioning. When the public pointed out their sloppy and irresponsible dissemination, which was impossible as a news organ that didn't even check the minutes, they quietly deleted this groundless attack. They neither apologized nor issuance of correction."
This is a 'wish' news agency, which discards facts and reports based on ideology.
I feel the end is approaching even for this traditional news agency.

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翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/18)

2024-06-18 21:41:48 | Translation


>'蓮舫氏、『2位じゃダメなのか発言』を分析され "ご満悦"「初めて」'



Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/18)


> 蓮舫氏、いきなり前言撤回。
> 単なるポピュリスト。

Renho suddenly retracts her previous remark.
She's just a populist.


>"蓮舫氏、公約会見で小池都政の「リセット」封印 批判トーンを抑制「良いものは引き継ぐ」"


> 選挙に合わせて昔の話に助け舟記事が出て、本人がリンク。
> 私なら「蓮舫さんって、界隈に守られているのね」としか思わないが、騙される人もいるのかね?

In conjunction with the election, an article supporting her past is published and she herself shares it.
All I can think is, "Maybe, Renho is protected by the circle," but are there some persons who are being fooled by that!?



> もはや事前運動である意識すらない。
> 公示日の意味がない。

(Renho) no longer has even a awareness of pre-election campaigning.
The announcement date is meaningless.



> 蓮舫さんは中国漁船衝突事件で菅直人内閣の大臣をやっていたよね。
> 原発事故でも隠蔽やったよね。

At the time of the "2010 Senkaku boat collision incident," Renho was a state minister of the Naoto Kan cabinet, wasn't she!?
Concerning the (* TEPCO Fukushima No. 1) nuclear power plant accident, she covered it up too, disn't she!?




> 行政の長年の苦労を自己アピールのために犠牲のするのが蓮舫氏。
> 小池知事も豊洲で同じことをやり血税を無駄にしたが、あくまで都の事業。
> これは手続き上何の問題もない民間事業への介入だぞ。
> 左翼仕草は論外。

It's Renho, who sacrifices years of administrative hard work in order for her self-promotion.
Gov. Koike did the same thing at the Toyosu and wasted tax money. However, it was after all a metropolitan government project.
It is interference in a private business, which is procedurally no problem at all.
The leftist gesture is out of the question.



> 蓮舫氏(小池知事が関東大震災で「朝鮮人虐殺」の追悼式典へ追悼文を送らないことに対して)「この姿勢は、ヘイトスピーチに対する悪い影響があるように思う。ここは改めたい」
> あっち方面への配慮がすごい。

In response that Gov. Koike doesn't send an eulogy to the memorial ceremony for the "Korean Massacre" after the Great Kanto Earthquake, Renho said that "I think this posture has a negative impact on hate speech. I want to change that."
Her consideration to that aspect is enormous.

>"神宮外苑再開発「見直して、大切な緑を守る」 蓮舫氏が公約発表 東京都知事選"


> 蓮舫氏の公約。
> 小池知事の公約達成度を批判しておきながら、数値目標はもちろん、具体的な目標も手法もゼロ。
> 都知事がどうやって現役世代の手取りを増やすんだ?

Renho's election pledges.
Even though she criticizes Gov. Koike's degree of achievement of her election pledges, she provides neither specific targets nor methods, let alone numerical targets.
How will a Tokyo governor increase the take-home pay of the working generation?

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翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 6/18)

2024-06-18 20:47:48 | Translation


>"<長谷川幸洋氏> 欧州議会選で右派が拡大、日本の保守勢に〝追い風〟 「移民流入」「環境規制」に人々が反発 解決策としての国家保守主義運動へ ⇒ ネットの反応「たぶんほとんどの国民が『移民政策反対』だと思うけど、日本には政党の選択肢がないんよ…」"

> 原爆の真実ーオッペンハイマーはなぜ死んだのか(前半) 西村幸祐 AJER2024.6.15(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 6/18)


> NHKは《ドラマで印象操作》をするのでなく歴史捏造とプロパガンダをこの 30年以上続けている。
> 失われた 30年が美事(ママ)にスッポリ収まる。
> 顕著な例が「朝ドラ」。
> 朝の連続ドラマで毎日日本人を洗脳し続ける。
> なぜ戦時中の設定が多いか?
> 徹底的に日本軍=悪、米軍=善として描き歴史の改竄と日本ヘイトを混入。

NHK does not [manipulate public opinion using dramas], it has been fabricating history and spreading propaganda for over 3 decades.
The lost 3 decadess have is neatly wrapped up in it.
A notable example is the "Asa-dora" (* morning dramas).
(NHK) has continuously been brainwashing Japanese persons every day by series morning dramas.
Why are so many of them set during wartime?
They thoroughly portray the Japanese forces as evil and U.S. forces as good, while embedding historical faking and Japan hatred in them.



> さすが有村さん。

As expected, UH lawmaker Haruko Arimura (LDP).
She is one of the few decent national lawmakers.

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翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/18)

2024-06-18 19:55:14 | Translation



>"韓国紙「『ウェブトゥーン?これが漫画か?』 ウェブトゥーンを嘲笑するフランス」"


> 韓国の調査「外国への好感度」 日本が主要国で最下位に(2022年1月12日)

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/18)


> 友達
> 今の時代も同じ。
> 仕事、留学、結婚などで来日してる韓国人がよくいうのは
> -日本人と友達になるのは難しい
> -日本人の友達が1人でもいたら、日本生活は成功したといえる
> 単なる仲良い仲間、知り合いではなく、腹を割って話せる関係まで発展するのは難しい。
> むしろ恋人、師弟関係の方が難易度が低い。
> 日本統治時代にあのドラマのような場面はリアルさがない。
> このようなケースは海外に行ってる日本人もあるんじゃないかな?🤔

It's the same in nowadays.
S. Korean persons, who come to Japan for work, study abroad, marriage, etc. often say that
- It's difficult to make friends with Japanese persons
- If you have even one Japanese friend, you can say that your life in Japan has been successful
It's difficult to develop a relations where you can talk openly with each other, rather than just being "good friends" and/or "acquaintances."
In fact, it's easier to become "lovers" or "disciple-student relations."
During the Japanese colonial period, scenes like those in the drama are not realistic.
I wonder Japanese persons living in foreign countryes probably have similar cases?🤔

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