Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 5/30)

2024-05-30 20:22:24 | Translation


>【小池百合子VS蓮舫】学歴疑惑か?国籍疑惑か?地獄の都知事選▼共産党が蓮舫を全力応援!マイナスでは?▼つばさの党 黒川容疑者も出馬か▼加賀×島田×佐々木×千葉【怒っていいとも】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/30)


> 名言だな🤔
> 誰もが属してる集団に不満はある。
> しかし努力せず愚痴ばかりいうのはカッコ悪い😮‍💨
> 昔、学生時代に父と対立したことがあった。
> 父は私にこう言った
> 私はそれが凄い説得力ある話で、一理あると思った。
> 従うしかなかったが抵抗はなかった。
> 同時に早く独立しようと強く思った。
> 今は父に感謝してる🙄

It's a quote.
Not only for "country", but also it can be said for "house," "town" and "organization."
Every and each person is dissatisfied with the group to which he or she belongs.
But it's not cool to complain without making effort.
In the past, I had conflict with my father when I was a student.
My father told me:
"You eat, wear clothes, sleep in this house based depending on my income. Follow me while you are at this house."
I thought it was a great persuasive words and it was reasonable.
I had to follow, but there was no resistance.
At the same time, I wanted to be independent quickly.
I'm grateful to my father now🙄
The reason why is that it was not "If you don't like it, go out."
I think it was encouraging to say that "If you don't want to be interfered, do your best and be independent."

> 2位で終わっても凹むことはないだろうな🤣
She won't be disappointed, if she finished the 2nd place🤣



> 小池氏は「卒業証書と証明書がある」と一点張りだが、2019年のクウェートの英字新聞によると中東にはエジプトの偽造学位が氾濫してる。


Tokyo Gov. Koike stubbornly insists that "I have a graduation certificate and a certificate." However, according to the Kuwait's English newspaper in 2019, in the Middle East, Egyptian fake degrees are flooding.
She should prove not only "presence" but also "authenticity"🧐

[summary of shared article]
* >"Dozens of offices engaged in selling fake degrees operate in the immediate vicinity of Cairo University without any hitch or hindrance from the authorities"
* >"And the buyers, you guessed right, Kuwaitis and other wealthy Gulf country nationals who can afford the cost"
* >"Moreover, operators of the degree shops even guarantee the veracity of certificates they issue by claiming to work in close cooperation with the staff at several Egyptian colleges"


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翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 5/30)

2024-05-30 19:42:52 | Translation

Ref.>"【適材適所】「UFO解明議連」幹事長に小泉進次郎氏! 超党派で専門機関設置目指す"


>"岸田首相「4万円の減税で、恩恵を実感いただく!」→ 税・社会保険料、10年間で平均 20万円負担増…"

>"某議員「井川さんとバトっていますね!」→ 社民党副党首「ヘイトスピーチを面白がってちゃダメ!!!」"

>【最新映像】映画『キングダム 大将軍の帰還』劇場予告|7月12日(金)公開

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/30)


> 木曜日の朝は書道教室から。
> 前回書いた部分と合わせて、「起翦頗牧(キセンハボク)用軍最精(ヨウグンサイセイ)」
> きせんとはとぼくとは、ようぐんにさいせいす。
> 秦の名将白起と王翦(おうせん)、廉頗(れんぱ)と李牧(りぼく)の四将は、軍を率いるに最も精通した武将の代表的な者だ。
> なかなか追いつきません💧

On Thursday moring, I started by participating in a calligraphy class.
Conbining the part I wrote in the previous time, "起翦頗牧用軍最精."
Ki-Sen-Ha-Boku ha, Yogun ni Saisei-su.
Four great General of Qin dynasty -- Hakuki (Bai Qi), Ō-sen (Wang Jian), Renpa (Lian Po) and Riboku (Li mu) -- are most typical suitable military commanders.
When it comes to the Kingdom, I read season-4 finally.
I can't quite catch up with (* the original story).

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翻訳:中国、軍事演習継続を示唆 台湾当局「常態化」と分析

2024-05-30 06:53:28 | Translation



>"It's Time for China to Get Serious on Peace"

>"EDITORIAL | JS Izumo Drone Breach a Call for Drastic Countermeasures"

>【玉城県政の公約達成率はおよそ3%未満!?】花城大輔「知事は県民に対してどう説明するんですか?!」【沖縄・自民党】【玉城デニー県政 不祥事回顧録】【第10弾】

Translation; China indicated continuation of military exercises = Taiwanese authority analyzed it as "normalization"

>"中国、軍事演習継続を示唆 台湾当局「常態化」と分析"

> 中国で台湾政策を主管する国務院(政府)台湾事務弁公室の朱鳳蓮報道官は 29日、記者会見し、中国軍が台湾周辺で 23、24両日に実施した演習について「台湾独立の挑発がやまない限り、国家の主権と領土の一体性を守る軍の行動は一刻も止まることはない」と述べ、演習継続の可能性を示唆した。
> 演習を「常態化」させるのかとの質問に答えた。

On May 29, spokesperson of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, which has jurisdiction the policy to Taiwan policy in China, Zhu Fenglian held a press conferece. Concerning the military excercises Chinese PLA conducted on both May 23 & 24 around Taiwan, she said that "Unless Taiwan's provocations for independence is halted, the forces' actions to safeguard the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity will never stop," and indicated possibility of continuation of the drills.
She replied so in response to a question whether or not "normalize" the exercises.

> 台湾の国家安全局は 29日、中台関係に関する報告書を立法院(国会)に提出。
> 中国が同様の演習を常態化させ、台湾海峡に「新たな現状」をつくろうとする恐れがあると分析した。

On May 29, the National Security Bureau in Taiwan submitted a report on the cross-strait relations to the Legislative Yuan (parliament).
It analyzed that there is a risk that China will normalize similar exercises and attempt to create a "new status quo" over the Taiwan Strait.

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翻訳:首相、日米が地域の平和に責任 米インド太平洋軍新司令官と面会

2024-05-30 06:26:14 | Translation

Ref.>"Japan PM, new US command chief vow to achieve regional stability"

>"Failure of 'Satellite' Launch: China, Russia Have Allowed North Korea to Grow Arrogant"

> 岸田総理「日米同盟の抑止力を向上すべく連携」 米・司令官と会談(2024年5月 29日)

Translation; The U.S. and Japan are responsible for the regional peace = PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with Commander of USINDOPACOM, Admiral Samuel Paparo

>"首相、日米が地域の平和に責任 米インド太平洋軍新司令官と面会"

> 岸田文雄首相は 29日、今月就任した米インド太平洋軍のパパロ司令官と官邸で面会した。
> 北朝鮮による 27日の軍事偵察衛星打ち上げ失敗に触れ「日本は米国と共に地域と国際社会の平和と安定に責任を果たす」と述べ、連携を呼びかけた。

On May 29, 2024, PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with Admiral Samuel Paparo, Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM), who took seat this month.
He commented on the the failure of the military reconnaissance satellite launch by N. Korea on May 27, he called for cooperation, saying that >"Japan, together with the U.S., will fulfill its responsibility for peace and stability in the region and the international community."

> 在日米軍を含めインド太平洋軍は地域の安定に重要な役割を担っていると強調。
> パパロ氏は「日米同盟の重要性はかつてないほど高まっている。自由で開かれたインド太平洋を実現するため、日本と協力したい」と応じた。

>"Prime Minister Kishida expressed his gratitude for the contribution of U.S. INDOPACOM and the U.S. Forces Japan, which play a significant role in maintaining peace and stability in this region.
He also stated that Japan and the U.S. are global partners which uphold and bolster the free and open international order based on the rule of law
," and conveyed that Tokyo would like to strengthen deterrence of U.S.-Japan alliance.
>'In response, Admiral Paparo stated that the importance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance has never been higher amidst an increasingly severe security environment, and he also stated that he would like to cooperate with Japan to achieve a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific."'

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翻訳:[チャンネル正論]. 岸田首相 6月退陣表明か

2024-05-30 05:55:02 | Translation

Ref.>"憲法改正「必要32%」「不要19%」世論調査/「日本を取りまく安全保障環境の対応に必要」が 54%と最多/ ネット「でも、LGBTにうつつをぬかす自民党」"

>"岸田首相「アニメ・ゲームを基幹産業に」 5年ぶりに新たな「クールジャパン戦略」を6月に発表 若手クリエイターらを支援 2022年のアニメ産業の海外展開は過去最高の 4.7兆円 ⇒ ネットの反応「4.7兆円って、インバンウド需要とほぼ同じか、凄いな」"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. PM Fumio Kishida expressed "Procrastinating on constitutional revise is an abdication of responsibility" at a meeting of bipartisan lawmakers

>"[チャンネル正論]. 岸田首相 6月退陣表明か"

> 自民党は4月の衆院3選挙区補選、5月 26日の静岡県知事選で全敗するなど厳しい状況に追い込まれている。
> そうしたなかで、6月 23日の国会会期末を控え、自民党内には岸田文雄首相が6月中旬にイタリアで開かれる先進7カ国首脳会議(G7サミット)を花道に退陣表明をするのではないかとの観測がくすぶる。
> 月刊「正論」発行人の有元隆志と編集委員の安藤慶太が話し合う。

The LDP has been forced into a tough situation -- losing all in three LH by-elections in April and the Shizuoka Prefectural gubernatorial election on May 26.
In the such situation, with the Diet session due to end on June 23, there is simmering speculation within the LDP that PM Kishida Fumio may express his resignation after the G7 Summit to be held in Italy in mid-June as the last days of his administration.
Takashi Arimoto, the publisher of the monthly magazine Seiron, and Keita Ando, editorial committee of the Seion, talk about that in the following footage.

> 岸田首相 6月退陣表明か

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