Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;「安倍氏が経済安保の司令塔を機能強化」 命日に高市早苗氏が新著出版

2024-07-09 06:15:43 | Translation

Ref.>"Post-Kishida Showdown in the LDP: Who Will Be Kingmaker?"


>"安倍晋三元首相が銃撃されて2年 「日本が終わると思った」安倍元首相に心臓マッサージした准看護師 必死の対応語る "

> 安倍晋三元総理の遺言ともいえる重要課題・選択的夫婦別姓について

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Former PM Abe upgraded the command center function for economic and security policy" = Sanae Takaichi published her new book on his death anniversary

>"「安倍氏が経済安保の司令塔を機能強化」 命日に高市早苗氏が新著出版"

> 自民党の高市早苗経済安全保障担当相は、安倍晋三元首相の命日に当たる8日、経済安保政策を解説した新著を出版した。
> 国家安全保障局への経済班設置など安倍政権の実績を紹介する内容。

On July 8th, the anniversary of the death of former PM Shinzo Abe, State Minister of Economic Security Sanae Takaichi (LDP) published her new book explaining economic security policy.
Its contents is to introduce the achievements of the Abe administration, such as the establishment of an economic unit in the National Security Secretariat.
As one of the candidates to "succeed Kishida," it seems to be aimed to appeal to the conservatives ahead of the LDP presidential election in September.

> 書籍では、安倍氏について「経済安保政策の司令塔機能を強化した」と評価。
> 今後の課題に、中国企業による日本へのデータセンター建設投資の拡大を挙げ、機微な情報の流出を防ぐための規制強化を訴えた。
> 高市氏は、2021年総裁選に安倍氏の後押しを受けて出馬にこぎ着けたが、岸田文雄首相に敗れた。
> 昨年有志による勉強会を発足させ、保守系議員を中心に再挑戦を促す声がある。

In the book, she evaluates about Abe that "He upgraded the command center function for economic and security policy."
As a problem from now on, she lists expansion of investment in data center construction in Japan by Chinese companies, and calls for stronger regulations in order to prevent leakage of sensitive information.
With Abe's backing, Takaichi managed to run in the 2021 LDP presidential election. But she lost to PM Fumio Kishida.
Last year, she launched a study group formed by the willings, and there are voices, mainly from conservative lawmakers, for her to challenge again.

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