Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;新藤かな(港区区議会議員, 無所属)の X (on '24. 7/8)

2024-07-08 20:47:45 | Translation

Ref.>"It's Tanabata: Make A Wish!"




>【東京都知事選挙】田母神氏「残念だなという思い」 小池氏当確

Translation of X (* tweet) by Minato Ward councilor Kana Shindo (Ind., aka Princess Yuzuka, on '24. 7/8)


> 七夕の夜。
> 織姫と彦星は会うことができたでしょうか。
> 東京都知事選においては、田母神としお候補を応援させていただいておりました。
> 投票していただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。
> まず日本国民である日本人を大切にする。
> 外国人優遇ではなく、日本人を主眼においた政治を行う。
> そこの信念に強く共感いたしました。
> 石原慎太郎さんが推した唯一の候補でもある田母神さんに投票できたこと、嬉しく思います。
> 一方で、今回の選挙を側からみていると、どの陣営も人格攻撃を含む醜い戦いが散見され、心が疲れてしまいました。
> ポスターをはじめとする公選法の問題など、従前より指摘されていた問題です。
> 改善しようとすらしてこなかった責任は重いです。
> 議会内での対立に関しても、社会の常識では考えられないようなことが起こるのが政治の世界。
> 現在港区でも5人会派を3人として扱う、これは文章に書いてないが慣例である、などと不可解なことを言われています。
> 情報のアップデートが早くなり、変化のスピードも変わった世の中に、政治の世界も追いついてほしいと思います。
> 信念を持ち、ひとつずつ、自分ができることを積み重ねていきたいと思います。
>- "目に見えぬ神に向かいて恥じざるは、人の心の誠なりけり。"
> Noblesse Obligeの心を持って今後も真摯に進んでいきます。

On the night of Tanabata.
Were Orihime and Hikoboshi able to meet!?
I supported candidate "Toshio Tamogami" in the Tokyo gubernatorial election.
Thank you very much to everyone who voted for him.
First and foremost, he would value the Japanese persons who are the Japanese nationals.
He would conduct politics that puts the Japanese persons first, not give preferential treatment to foreigners.
I strongly sympathized with that belief.
I am happy that I was able to vote for Tamogami, the only candidate endorsed by Shintaro Ishihara.
On the other hand, by watching the election this time from the outside, I was emotionally exhausted by the ugly fighting, including personal attacks, seen on all camps.
Problems with the Public Offices Election Act, including the posters, have been pointed out for a long time.
They bear a heavy responsibility for not even attempting to improve the situation.
As for conflicts within an assembly too, it's the world of politics, where things happen that are unthinkable according to common sense in the society.
At present, even in Minato Ward, it says strange matter that "A party of five people is treated as three, and although it's not written in the document it's just custom."
I hope the world of politics will catch up with the world where information is updated faster and the speed of change has changed.
I will continuously have conviction and accumulate what I can, one thing at a time.
- "A man's heart is sincere when it is not ashamed before an invisible God" (* a Japanese short poem by emperor Meiji, meaning "a pure and righteous state of mind in which one is not even the slightest bit ashamed towards God, who cannot normally be seen, is a sincere heart, and this is the most precious thing for us").
I will continue to move forward sincerely with the spirit of noblesse oblige.

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