Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 7/8)

2024-07-08 21:18:17 | Translation



>"都知事選敗北… 辻元清美氏「負けた蓮舫氏はさらに強くなる」"

>"Speaking Out | North Korea Sent Military Engineers for Ukraine War"

>「ヤジが大合唱」 都知事選、小池氏圧勝の舞台裏 「AIゆりこは 45点」と安野貴博氏【羽鳥慎一モーニングショー】(2024年7月8日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 7/8)


> 差別される人は弱者が多いが、
> 差別を利用する人は弱者でないことが多い

Those who are discriminated against are often weak, but those who exploit discrimination are often not weak.

> 地方から東京にきた人も、都知事選の投票をしたいなら
> のどっちかだろう。
> これも嫌だ、あれも嫌だという人はそもそも投票やる気ないんだよ。

A person, who comes to Tokyo from local place and want to vote in the Tokyo gubernatorial election, must do one of following two selections;
* implement transfer notification
* return to the hometown and be satisfied with the election in the hometown
If someson say don't like this and don't like that, he or she doesn't intend to vote in the first place.


> 以前私が書いた記事だが、朝鮮総連と北朝鮮は日本の選挙権が与えられることに反対していた。
> という理由で🙄

Excerpt from >"外国人地方参政権に反対していた朝鮮総連と北朝鮮."
This is an article I wrote in the past, Chongryon (* General Association of Korean Residents in Japan) and N. Korea opposed to give suffrage in Japanese elections.
The reason why was that "the suffrage move corresponds to the policy of assimilation & naturalization into Japan. It's the same as poison smeared with honey."

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