

Mental training

2024-05-19 06:47:41 | 日記

Today is the third Sunday, mental training day.

I get a ride in a friend's car and head to the dojo in Ube.

Since last night, I've been preparing the things to bring and lunches, and this morning I've prepared tea and am waiting to be picked up at 8:30.

I work all day until I get home after 4:00 p.m.

It's a day of soul cleansing, held at a dojo in the mountains, where we listen to recordings of our teacher from his younger days.

Today too, I am vaguely listening carefully to Hikari's straightforward words, but I am regaining my composure.

I hope this will be a joyous day. Thank you.

Deep Gratitude

2024-05-13 20:27:29 | 日記

The colonoscopy I had on May 10th gave me many realizations after living for 68 years.

It was an examination conducted with hospitality by medical staff who were highly skilled and kind.

Thanks to the warm teamwork among the staff, led by the internist who was performing the examination, my anxiety and tension were eased.

They all respected the dignity of my life as a human being and treated me with respect for that life.

This is how I have been protected in the past.

Even in the midst of all that suffering and pain, I was protected and saved by so much kindness, and that is why I am here today.

Everything is protected and leads to a good life.

Just keep moving forward with gratitude in your heart and peace of mind.

Our lives are planned by God and are always leading us down the path to happiness.

We can move forward with peace of mind, without doubting the plan, without doubting our lives.

We have been protected and kept alive by God's grace in the past, present, and future. We are grateful for everything.


2024-05-11 05:31:05 | 日記
The watercress seeds I planted on May 3rd sprouted. They sprouted in just five days, less than a week.

Yesterday was my first colonoscopy. I had bleeding for the first time in my life on 5/5 and 6, and my doctor, worried about colon cancer, recommended that I have an examination, but I was at work all day.

The diagnosis was not cancer, but ischemic enteritis.

The blood in my stool on 5/5 and 6 was not due to cancer, but was coming from the intestinal wall. During the examination, a small benign polyp that everyone has was also removed, and I was able to go home that same day.

I would like to thank my doctor and many other people for their cooperation.

I was also fortunate to have met wonderful doctors and staff, and it was a day when I was grateful for the wonder of life.

I was reminded that I am not living by my own strength alone, but with the support of many people.

I am deeply grateful to all the people who are involved in my life.

Where and how did it bloom?

2024-05-09 18:47:31 | 日記

It doesn't matter where or how it bloomed.

Each life is wonderful in its own way.

Just as each petal of this bunch of violets is a violet flower, no two are alike.

Time, people, and the flow of the river all change from moment to moment. Nothing is the same.

Let's cherish the irreplaceable time of our own lives.

I thought so.

Nowadays finally...

2024-05-08 19:39:55 | 日記

On May 5th and 6th, I experienced Bleeding from stool for the first time in my life, and as is normal for people, I was very upset.

My doctor suggested that I might have colon cancer so I was advised to undergo a colonoscopy, so I went to a hospital in the next town today.

The test date was set for May 10th, and I was given an explanation about the test.

I was surprised to find that I no longer cared about test results, numbers, or doctor's threats.

I am impressed with how I have begun to believe in the power of my own mind and body.

I came across a ladybug I'd never seen before.

This also broadened my understanding.

I think I'll be able to take the test on May 10th calmly.

I am grateful for the work of life.