

Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon

2023-09-30 05:22:23 | 日記

2023/9/30 4:48am The full moon is setting in the western sky.

It floats clearly in the fresh cool air.

Its appearance is refreshing and beautiful.

The moon is round, and although it appears to be waxing and waning, it is actually one moon.

There is only one world, and there is nothing lacking.

Stop being a judge and return to yourself without being swayed.

Rather than relying on it and losing sight of yourself, leave it to it and make the most of yourself!

Be yourself!

That's right, look at your feet, take advantage of the time you have in your life, and live your life to the fullest.

The moon floating quietly in the beautiful clear mid-autumn sky told me this.

Dear Moon and Something Great, thank you for making me aware that today is also wonderful.

Prayer this morning

2023-09-26 12:04:32 | 日記
Be a single piece of bamboo that bends and bends.

Be a bamboo that bends and bounces.

Be a bamboo that bends and bounces until the end.

May it be a flexible piece of bamboo that bends flexibly and continues to move freely.

Stay firmly rooted in the earth of the universe and live freely and in harmony!


Atmospheric healing

2023-09-24 07:40:13 | 日記
This morning's southern sky,

Healing of wind, air, and light.
The autumn atmosphere soothes the fatigue of summer and infuses the mind and body with a sense of peace.

Let's offer deep gratitude and small acts of gratitude to the workings of the Earth's circulation.

Autumn sky this morning

2023-09-23 07:31:24 | 日記
This morning I saw a phoenix flying in the southern sky for the first time in a while.

A phoenix is ​​flying in a clear sky with white scaly clouds. It's a vivid scenery.
Yeah, great and thank you.

A fresh day has started today.

I'm going to spend today vividly and lightly.

Rosemary flowers

2023-09-22 07:51:41 | 日記
This morning while watering, I found a flower on the tip of a rosemary branch.

Rosemary has bloomed for the first time in a while, it is dorable small light blue flower.

Come to think of it, flowers have bloomed on the imitation jewels this year.

Last year was terrible, even though cultivation was almost abandoned...

Thank you for showing me your beautiful flowers.

What revelation is this?

Maybe this means I'm always watching over you.
You are always floating in the light of love. Keep it up!

A message from something great that there is still much to do and accomplish.

Thank you God. I look up, look forward, and move forward even more firmly.