

The smoke tree again.

2016-05-27 08:24:31 | 日記
lt's been cut the their branches before 2 or 3 years ago.
The day of this season, it has bloomed the flowers.
The smoke tree has been called 煙草 in Japan, and lt's been traded very expensive with the flower
So, l'm safed in my heart about the their regrowth, thanks for God.

The water mirrors

2016-05-27 08:10:15 | 日記
lt's already 代掻き on the rice fields.
lt shows the around the fields likes mirrors, like mountains and sky.
The neighbor on the fields has already 田植え.
l can hear the voice of frogs and see the lighting fireflies in the evenings.
lt's just starting of early summer now.

From the sunny side windows

2016-05-18 19:16:15 | 日記
May is the best scene in the northern garden.
l'm looking this from the kitchen windows stopping to wash the dishes for a while.
Today, l got the unfortune words, but it was very beautiful day today just like May fine day. lt's nice!
l' ve been left for the bad feeling already. It's very very good isn't it?