

A branch of wild camellia

2022-12-29 17:53:40 | 日記
The day before yesterday, I went out for a walk for the first time in three days.

It wasn't that the storm prevented us from going out.

The first 2 weeks of fasting for 4 weeks of cataract therapy was in the final stage, and I fell into a state of declining energy and physical strength due to the state of not putting anything in my stomach, and I could not even walk.

The fasting regimen has entered the second stage of the incumbent period from today.

This is difficult because l have to listen to my body about what and how much l should take.

I got a branch of wild camellia that I found on the promenade yesterday to decorate the audio room.

The daffodils was based in the audio room still gave off a noble fragrance, so Tsubaki took refuge in a glass bottle in the kitchen.

The green contrast between the slender white branches of the camellia with buds hanging down and the lively glossy evergreen leaves is a nice touch.

I'm happy and encouraged that she seems to be watching over my severe fasting treatment, saying, "Do your best! I'm rooting for you."

Unintentionally, yeah, I'll do my best. I feel like you're watching over me. Thank you Yamatsubaki-san.

A pinch is a chance

2022-12-27 11:56:22 | 日記
Opportunity comes in the face of a pinch.

I'm working on a 4-weeks fasting and eating less regimen to remove the opacity of the lens diagnosed with surgical-level cataracts.

I feel weak and weak in my stomach, which should be nothing more than my misunderstanding, and I do not take walks or move around.

Come to think of it, the guidanceh for working on this therapy started with a 3/6 fracture.

It's not that I arrived at my current work because of a series of happy things, nor that my current work is easy.

I don't know if the current situation is lucky or unlucky.

Honestly, it's painful.
But that's why have fun! I think.

Thought is power.
There is no future pleasure without the present pleasure.

One way of thinking,
I'm going to do what I can do now with a bright and light energy.

A Christmas present this year

2022-12-23 17:50:57 | 日記
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I received a present again this year.

This year, Dassai's Asahi Sake Brewery's new amazake seemed to be good for the body, so I immediately had a glass.

I liked the mellow and gentle taste.

It looks like it's going to be a substitute for toso for new year's day.

Thank you, Na-chan.
I hope to see you next year.

Face into myself

2022-12-23 10:11:04 | 日記
Since the fracture on 3/6, I have been suffering from various symptoms such as right eye disorder, candidiasis, and glucose metabolism disorder.

Yesterday, I was finally able to see an ophthalmologist who failed to receive a second opinion in May.

It was diagnosed that the cataract had progressed to the surgical level.

I can't hide my shock.

The Noguchi Chiropractic Improvement Method, the relationship with the Katsugen Movement, and the things to be confirmed and decided one after another.

It's about separating emotion and reason and checking them one by one.

This body will grow old in good health.

Clarify what is necessary and what needs to be done now and in the future.

And put it into action.

Keep calm and keep calm.

I decided it.
I definitely made up my mind.