

Cherry blossoms at the neighbor's house

2024-03-31 16:21:12 | 日記

On March 29th, when the cherry blossoms were declared to have bloomed, I took a side bud from the trunk of a cherry tree across the river and inserted it into a cup.

Today I received some side shoots of the Higan cherry tree from my neighbor who has since moved out, and I put them in a vase.

All things are impermanent, flowers bloom, and time passes.

Time passes, and all living things live each moment to the fullest.

This year's cherry blossoms

2024-03-29 13:46:53 | 日記

I went to see the cherry blossoms at Senbonzakura in the nearby Nature Utilization Village, which I visit every year.

Forty years ago, this place was already famous as a cherry blossom viewing spot, but today there were already cars with out-of-state license plates lined up, many of whom had come to stay overnight.

For the past 13 years, I have been driving around the course in a reverse direction, going east, to avoid the peak crowds.

The slope of the eastern promenade had collapsed, and there were more dangerous spots.

I suddenly remembered that the town collects a contribution from each household as an environmental improvement fee.

On the way back, we stopped by the cherry blossoms around DAM, which was Haru-chan's walking course, and a single cherry tree at the pump area across the river.

I picked a bud from a side branch of a cherry tree, placed it in a cup, and enjoyed the cherry blossom viewing atmosphere.

This year too, I was able to quietly enjoy cherry blossom viewing. I'm sure it will be bustling with cherry blossom viewers on the weekends.

Just be honest as you are.

2024-03-27 16:16:21 | 日記
Is it difficult to live honestly as we are?

Not at all. Leave it to the Great Work.

Don't rely on something great, just trust it and let it work and bring out the best in us.

"Rather than believing too much and losing ourselves, let go and make the most of ourselves."

Whatever burden is placed upon you, God can bear it. His supreme power is driving all things, so why should you not surrender to it and worry about what to do or not to do?

We know that the train will carry all your luggage. Why should you go on the train and struggle with your little baggage on your head? Put down your luggage and feel at ease.

Ramana Maharshi

Message from Dr. Hew Len
Posted on 2009 Jan 16 Fri by Sith

"Nothing is new," Shakespeare said.

Our problems, sorrows, and tragedies are the forces of resistance, the sorrows, groans, and discontent in our souls.

The solution is to ask for grace.

Cleaning, that is,

"Ice Blue"

"Blue Solar Water"

"Thank you"

"I love you"

(cleaning by conscious consciousness),

cleaning through the divinity within us (cleaning by grace),

freedom from the memories that our inner child replays over and over again (recovery and cleansing of Unuhipiri).

How wonderful it is to "not know,"

so that we are not swayed by not knowing.

The only purpose for our existence is "CLEAN, ERASE, ERASE."

My peace


"There is nothing new," says Shakespeare.

Our problems, sorrows, tragedies

are rebel powers, fore-bemoan moan and grievances in our souls. Solution:

Seek grace.

Cleaning -- ice blue / blue solar water / thank you / i love you /

Whatever -- seeks freedom through divinity for whatever20memories are

Replaying in our inner child.

How wonderful to be clueless, to not be troubled by not knowing.

The only purpose for existence is:


Peace of i

Ihaleakala Hew Len

Cleaning -- ice blue / blue solar water / thank you / i love you /

Peace of iThe only purpose for existence is:"CLEAN, ERASE, ERASE."

I am grateful for the greatness.