

He is lovely!

2018-10-31 18:23:10 | 日記
Haru has been getting well.
He walks with us three times in a day.
lt's time from one or two hours.
He swings his body when he jumps up and down.
So he looks at me deeply when l leave home to work.
He take one chip of medicine in a day and have pork meats.
His body is very tender and warm.
His sleeping face is so lovely, l love you always, Haru.

Is it an owl?

2018-10-31 18:03:18 | 日記
This is a shot at my training spot in shopers place.
Is it an owl? l said
when l saw the first time seeing.
Because there were big forest which have taller and bigger wooden trees.
There might be living owls in the forest.
l noticed it was an object just a few days ago.
l'm so surprised and getting a little disapointing feeling,Oh, oh.

He is my angle.

2018-10-14 20:01:25 | 日記
His sleeping face makes me smiled and gently heart.
lt's getting warm in my heart.
His sick condition is getting
well a little and little.
He runs and jumps sometimes reacently.
l get a smile and pleasure.
He is really my treasure, my best friend.
l love you.