


2024-05-11 05:31:05 | 日記
The watercress seeds I planted on May 3rd sprouted. They sprouted in just five days, less than a week.

Yesterday was my first colonoscopy. I had bleeding for the first time in my life on 5/5 and 6, and my doctor, worried about colon cancer, recommended that I have an examination, but I was at work all day.

The diagnosis was not cancer, but ischemic enteritis.

The blood in my stool on 5/5 and 6 was not due to cancer, but was coming from the intestinal wall. During the examination, a small benign polyp that everyone has was also removed, and I was able to go home that same day.

I would like to thank my doctor and many other people for their cooperation.

I was also fortunate to have met wonderful doctors and staff, and it was a day when I was grateful for the wonder of life.

I was reminded that I am not living by my own strength alone, but with the support of many people.

I am deeply grateful to all the people who are involved in my life.