

Give a blessing kiss

2020-09-29 14:04:41 | 日記
I'll give them, a thank-you kiss.
Heavenly blue flowers have a velvety luster in the morning sun.
I'm satisfied and kiss each of them.
With gratitude and joy for the brilliance of each other's lives that we met again today.
We had a refreshing day again today.
Be grateful and live the day of our life to the best our ability.

Listen to the voice

2020-09-28 14:48:13 | 日記
At last all the parsimmon leaves have fallen.
I don't know cause.
The state of the unseasonably creatures is a massage from nature, carefully
surrouding the five senses.
The sent of the wind, flowering of flowers ・・see what you can't see,
not what you can see,
and hear inaudible sounds.
Feel the massage from something great.

The second visitor

2020-09-24 15:16:50 | 日記
A mantis has also been staying in the screen at the back door for a few days.
I feel chilly when windows are open.
In the kitchen where I was preparing breakfast, I saw a centipede of about 15㎝.
By the way, I feel like I was stabbed in my right knee by a centipede while I was sleeping last night.
There are many kinds of insects in the countryside,
and they are also large in size.
It's hard to get used to their movements.

A visitor

2020-09-23 17:37:34 | 日記
A dragonfly child has been staying in my living room for few days.
I urged him (maybe) to open the windows, and go outside, but today he is still on the curtain.
At night, some animals are having an athletic meet on the ceiling, and stray cat appeal to let me in the

Haru died and the movement of wild animals became bold.
They know all.

Swallowtail butterfly

2020-09-23 16:57:16 | 日記
Even after pulling out the roots of morning glory from planters, the flowers continue to bloom, it's a great vitality.
Six swallowtail butterflies came to sack nectar today.
For a while after the watering was stopped, the bluebottle and the Orthetrum albisum came over when the time care.
Some humans also feel the smell of water.
It's just a "Sense of Wonder".