

Grass cutting!

2024-04-30 11:53:53 | 日記

Starting tomorrow, May 1st, we will begin mowing the grass on this year's 2000㎡ wilderness field.

I just checked the remaining charge and replenished the battery that had naturally discharged.

The forecast calls for 🌧️ until around 9:00 tomorrow, but I'll start mowing the grass for the first time since October last year anyway.

This year too, we will continue to work steadily on improving the environment until October.

I'll do my best.💪

Spring chrysanthemum flowers

2024-04-29 17:54:25 | 日記

The chrysanthemums I planted in a planter last year have bloomed.

They're yellow and round, and looking at them makes me feel calm.

I planted it for Casey's Salad, but the watercress is also blooming.

Once the holidays are over I plan to plant some watercress seeds for this year's salads.

Towards the bright side, towards the light

2024-04-23 17:58:48 | 日記

No matter what, always face the bright side, where the light shines, and move forward.

Let's walk our life's journey to the goal with a calm and peaceful mind that naturally arises in us.

Let's move forward with a smile, whether in times of joy or sadness.

Let's continue to practice maintaining the vibrations of harmony and live in the vibrations of happiness.

I am very happy and I thank God for his blessings.

From today, from here, 1, 2, 3

2024-04-23 09:15:50 | 日記

Starting today, I am starting a new mental and physical wellness routine.

I decided to try adopting Western medical methods to manage my blood sugar.

The backbone of health care is a consistent approach to mental education and self-medication, including Noguchi Seitai, Casey Therapy, and 自然の泉.

From now on, from here, I will approach my health regime with a smile, in the calm and composed state of mind that naturally arises from within me, without becoming arrogant, getting carried away, or being despised, and with a flexible spirit.

I am humbled and deeply grateful for the work of life.