

The beehive

2016-08-20 10:48:49 | 日記
l found the beehive three days ago.
The wild bear bees have been flighting on September.
l've been killing ten over of them when l found them with insecticides positively.
The old bees exterminater comes and sets the extermination tools.
He had gotton the save of my house three times from the wild bear bees .

He said l've retired my works, but l work on no my employment today.
He has gotton back pain, but he finished his works, thank you.

l pray success his works.

lt's continuing too hot day.

2016-08-12 22:38:25 | 日記
l received the flower to base before only two hours.
l'll base on three times the two way of arrangement in this summer, so It's too hot.
lt's taken 35℃ in room in my house and too humid.
Haru has breased on his shoulder.
Wheather reports on the TV said we'll have same thunders tomorrow afternoon.
We haven't been any raindrops after the over the rainy season.
We want beginning any shower a little.
l feel praying for rain a little.