

Please set up the climbing rope.

2018-05-29 07:46:55 | 日記
The heavenly blue in this year has hurted by warms already.
Though one of them start to stretch the vine.
l set the net up for their climbing up.
lt's difficult for me treatting Heavenly Blue up is difficult every years.
But that's too bad in this year.
When they sprout out and warms eat up them all, Oh, oh.
So, l never give up.
l should bloom them a lots than last year. l try them!

A blue hydrangea

2018-05-27 15:56:40 | 日記
We have a lesson of FA day today.
l set a blue hydrangea up the vase.
Blue is the best my favorite color in hydrangea.
So, These are withered already.
Cause These are prepaired in a flowershop.
They haven't kept the fresh just only one day.
lt's the destiny of the
flowers in flowershop.

A new rain shoes

2018-05-23 18:03:07 | 日記
My favorite shoes have already broken.But l haven't gotten new shoes yet last day.
lt's rainy today.
l put the new shoes on.
This shoes are decorated my sign,
"l 💛 🐶". lt means off course "l love Haru." You can laugh at me,
cause l really love Haru.