

The double windows

2016-09-25 18:35:08 | 日記
lt's the day of the lesson of flower arrangement day, today.
We had usually lesson, but l have a new question.
lt's very important for lesson, l think.
lt was nice style of gentiana scabra where l based on under window.

A quince

2016-09-22 01:36:47 | 日記
This is a quince in my working place.
Really, l've seen this first time.
They have another name "marmelo ".
They have bloomed white or pail red flowers in May and beared yellow fruits like European pear.
l remained that l 've seen the white flowers there.
But l hadn't known at the time.
Even so, There are a lot of trees and flowers in this place, it's amezing!