

My really favorite flower

2017-08-29 15:10:53 | 日記
l found an Asiatic purple dayflower in this morning.
When l was a child, my house was on the mountain.
l went to elementary school on the mountain path.
Quality beside the path, but a bright deep blue flower, with morning dew was blooming.
Beautiful of the figure!
ln spite of my breath, l crouched over the flowers and remembered the little day l was watching.
Sense of Wonder・・, Nature is full of beauty.

The water lilies

2017-08-14 17:27:06 | 日記
We noticed the water lilies on the pond.
These opened the buds laster usual seasons.
Though, they have two color of petals, white and pink.
They bloomed only white last season.
So, they have a lot of flowers in the pond. lt's nice!