

The welcome flower 2018

2017-12-28 10:58:54 | 日記
l based in the new year flower arrangement "万年青".
l use to base in it for the welcome flower of the new year.
lt's a normal forme in this time.
lt's coming soon another year.
It will be amazing, l expect something good this one.
l've hope for next year in this flower.

My Haru

2017-12-26 19:12:22 | 日記
lt's 5℃ temperature of outside.
He is sleeping now on the kitchen floor.
His sleeping face is kept me calmly.
His smile is, too.
He is my true treasure.
l always thank to God he has come to me.
l love you, Haru.
You are my sunshine, you are my all.

The three sisters of the persian cyclamen

2017-12-20 07:47:22 | 日記
l bought three cyclamens over in this year.
The first is red, second is red, third is cinnabar, or vermgllion red.
lt's the most fitting color in this my year of heart, third one.
Cinnbar, vermgllion red is symbol of my mysterious rediscovery love in youth, in the best of my life.
l felt one letter "懐" that the symbol of the letter in this year 2017.
Thank you for your visit.