

What is this flower?

2016-02-25 09:11:40 | 日記
Do you know this flower's names?
Oh, that's right. this is a "Aomoji" flower. lt's a little cute small.
l've seen a first time.
The kuromoji is similar to this, but they are used for the toothpick on the tea ceremony in Japan.

The 12th birthday present for Haru 3

2016-02-06 09:58:14 | 日記
Yayoi-san came to my house in this early morning, and she said "l want to make the Haru-chan's house renewal just now."
She brought a lot of the bundle straw from the her caw shed.
She tied up and cut the straw the same length of the doghouse, covered the bottom with them,
and put the mat on. lt was only 10 minutes complete work.
She is a great care manager of dogs.
l respect her!!