

My Haru in this winter

2019-01-23 18:43:12 | 日記
l've decided to stop seeing of vets, then he's been well than ever.
I've been cooking his meal every day.
He hasn't just eaten vegetables but only meats.
l've tried and tried cooking of vegetables, but he's put it out all time.
We battle about vegetables, but he is able to get to eat, get rid of vegetables now.
l thank to God!
l pray to his living when he will have to die.
Hooray, Hurray my cute Haru.

A throwing beans ceremony in 2019

2019-01-11 13:22:33 | 日記
We use to have vernal traditional ceremony on 3th February.
We use to throwing the beans and eating 恵方巻.
lt's the derection of fortune is 東北東 in this year.
We use to throw the 3 areas a lot of beans.
So, we will throw 3 packs beans in my yard.
l 'll pray to get healthy and calmly days for us.
God bless Haru-chan and me.