

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2019-12-19 13:09:22 | 日記
We changed the entrance flower pot from pink cyclamen to red and white one for the celebrated new year.
l like pink cyclamen looks like rabbits, then l've set it on for entrance flower about one month.
Today, l saw the mixed red and white cyclamen at the usual flower shop.
l felt that it's a nice celebrated new year flower.
l bought it, changed and set it up for welcome flower on the shoes box.
lt will change 支干 from wild pings to mice, from the end to the first. lt starts new circle.
l feel new nice changing time.
l feel that something beautiful and new is about to start.
lt will be the symbol of beautiful, amazing starting which this mixed red and white color cyclamen.
We celebrate new another year, Good luck!

Haru's sixth wears!

2019-12-02 13:15:56 | 日記
l bought Haru's new three wears on 30th November.
These are S size all.
So he has been gotten weight him down since three years ago.
lt's been getting colder and colder here especially morning and night.
l hope to put him on double wearing.
l use S size wears for inner and used wears for tops.
l hope he sleep tight in warm during from January to March in this winter.
Sleep tight Haru, l love you.