

It's rainy.

2024-05-27 07:01:54 | 日記

As forecast, it will rain today and tomorrow, when it rains, the lawnmower can't run...

Peace of mind is a source of strength.

So, what should you do to stay comfortable?

Health is not a number, but a feeling of well-being. (The late Dr. Hinohara)

Family is not limited to blood ties. (Akihiro Miwa)

It feels like I'm saying the same thing.

Thank you, God, for another new day. Let's live today beautifully, savoring the brilliance of our own lives.

2024/5/25 4:39 Western sky

2024-05-25 05:22:06 | 日記

On the morning of the second day after the Flower Moon, when I went out to get the morning paper, I saw a beautiful moon.

The moon sets in the west and the sun rises in the east.

東の野に炎の立つ見えてかへり見すれば月傾きぬ (万葉集巻1 48番歌 柿本人麻呂)
I saw flames rising in the eastern fields and when I looked back, the moon was setting.

西暦692/12/13 軽皇子の安騎の野に宿る時に、柿本朝臣人麻呂の作る歌とある。

Today is a brand new day. Let's make the most of it.


2024-05-24 13:26:04 | 日記


The photo was taken at 13:14 on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 in the east garden, with an enkianthus campanulatus in the foreground and a persimmon tree in the background.

I'm seeing my family doctor today.

On April 22nd, at Saiseikai, blood pressure was 120&76, blood sugar was 220, and Hba1c was 10.3.

On the same day, at my regular doctor's appointment, my blood pressure was 126&73.

5/7 Visited my family doctor due to blood in my stool. My blood pressure was 136.

On 5/8, colonoscopy at Central Hospital, blood sugar 189, Hba1c 10.5.

On the 10th, I went to Central Hospital for an endoscopy. I was so anxious and scared that my upper blood pressure went up to 198?!

And today at my doctor my blood pressure was 136&72, blood sugar 280, and Hba1c 11.1.

The body is renewed every day.
The body is always responding to the physical and mental needs of the moment, working in a positive direction to improve itself.

Instead of getting excited or upset about the numbers, each day is a new step towards better health.

Just as new leaves are produced every day as the new green leaves grow, I too am training every day to maintain and improve my physical and mental health.

Thank you, God, for a healthy body and mind. (*^-^)ノ♪

Plenty of them!

2024-05-22 17:10:59 | 日記

The watercress seeds that were sown on May 3rd are sprouting vigorously.

The seeds sprouted on May 8th and were transplanted into a planter on May 21st.

My heart leaps with joy when I see all the vibrant greenery growing, spilling out of the pots and trying to get in first.

Mushakoji's words, "Young people are good, young people are good," come out of my mouth naturally.

We have come out from the source of life, carrying the burden of karma and virtue, with the determination to solve the problems of our souls, and have set out on the journey of life in this lifetime.

We were born from the source of the parent's image (Oyasama) = the workings of life in order to polish our souls, and we are on the journey of life to walk with the parent and return to the parent.

No matter what happens, we have no choice but to move forward, and we are walking the path of prosperity that is perfection itself, with health, happiness, and happiness and prosperity.

Today, too, we are walking the path of prosperity that is perfection itself, with good fortune, happiness, and prosperity, where it is good to live (good to learn), and good to live.

We are alive, and we are kept alive by kindness, gratitude, and smiles. Thank you.

Thank you. 🌱

Have another wonderful afternoon🌱

Repotting blue hydrangeas

2024-05-21 17:19:15 | 日記

I love blue hydrangeas.

This year's summer solstice is on June 22nd. Every year on the occasion of the summer solstice, I make amulets out of hydrangeas.
The blue hydrangea I pruned heavily last year is not growing as well as I had hoped, so I prepared the soil again and replanted it in a smaller pot.

For your reference, we will introduce the soil that will make blue hydrangeas bloom.

It's 40% peat moss, 30% Akadama soil, 20% perlite, and 10% leaf mold.

When I didn't know how to prepare soil, I would buy a pot of blue hydrangea and when I planted it in the ground, the color of the flowers changed from blue to red.

If you like blue hydrangeas, please try this. Your blue hydrangeas will bloom beautifully.