

My retirement, today

2016-03-31 22:18:25 | 日記
Today is my retirement day.
Many person celebrate with me.
l was given a lot of words and gifts.
especially, l was pleased the visiting who l had taught when they had been the second graders.
lt was the most suprised and pleased me, thank you so much for my tender children.
l will be better in my future than now, so l was given courage with you. l'm in peaceful and keeping hope, l will get better, thank you.

The decorated dolls of the dolls day

2016-03-25 08:59:45 | 日記
Today is the periodical check of my liver.
Doctor said "Your liver become the better a little."
l said"Off course, l've worked out at fitness club every days." "l did it."
He said "But it's just getting better a bitter little." We laughed at together "Ha Ha Ha!"
Then, l went to be checked my health insurance card.
The Hinakazari shown near by the accounts cnunter, a little boy kind
was coming to there when l just pictured this photo.
lt's so cute.