

lt's fine sunny day today.

2018-03-24 13:08:45 | 日記
l came to change form the snow tires to normal.
So, l've finished my work of English lesson in the morning.
After the lesson, l took a photo of based on 陽紅桜 in the side of guests room.
lt was based on 3 days ago, it's buds almost, but it's getting bloom and bloom.
lt feels my favorite time.
Chreey Blossomes are all beautiful, we have about 400 variety in Japan.
l proud of them.

One monument

2018-03-18 09:26:37 | 日記
lt's the day of my spirit training day today.
lt's a clear sunny day today, after long time recently.
We have a statue in our training fields.
The name of "我象身代塔".
l think that this is a symbol of our flat souls which be instead of us when we afired anxious.
We have a sense and appropriate this always.
So, l feel anew it's a good form this.
l appropriate today's feelings.

Suble that shared chick

2018-03-15 13:29:06 | 日記
博多ひよこサブレ is one of my favorite cofectionery.
The shop which l used to buy that stopped to service for sail before a month.
l was troubled that l can't buy it.
But, l found it out other place in same the mole.
l'm so suprised, and it was pleasured me.
Cause, l thought that l will search it other mole shops tomorrow.
So, l could'nt find it in Amazon.
Chick's Subles fits my taste.
lt has sweetness, lightness, flavor,
shapes, and a tiny black eyes,
everything attracts me.
l love "ひよこサブレ".