

Field of eggplants

2020-07-30 18:42:11 | 日記
The field is halfway across the bridge and in the middle of my morning walk.
It is the water village in here.
By the field there is a mountain stream with fireflies and two waterfalls.
It seems that the eggplants here are sent to the town over the sea through the a

gricultural cooperative.

Deer family and monkeys

2020-07-30 15:01:16 | 日記
Four persimmon trees are planted around my house.
Sweat summer tangerine tree on the western space is the place where the family of deer eat dinner.
They always remember to come to eat evey evening.
Then, from the

morning, a monkey comes down the roof of next house.
Recently, the deer family came back to eat the persimmon leaves on the back and front of the house.
How do they eat the leaves in such a high place?
Should monkeys eat?