

2nd day of rainy season

2023-05-30 20:42:39 | 日記
If you open the window, you can hear frogs croaking in the living room.

It's been raining all day today...

Crackling…the sound of raindrops hitting the barn roof・・

It's raining hard again now.

A great collaboration for this season.


2023-05-30 13:31:19 | 日記
From April 27th, for the first time in almost 10 years, I mow the grounds almost every day.

The site is almost 600 tsubo, which is close to the wilderness.

The new version of the storage battery I ordered arrived yesterday.

I waited for light rain and tried a trial run.

It takes 1 hour and 20 minutes to fully charge a 14.4V, 6A storage battery, and 50 minutes of continuous operation.

Is it passable?

On a rainy day

2023-05-30 06:42:39 | 日記
On rainy days, in the rain On windy days, in the wind
(Mitsuo Aida)

Find the joy of sunny days when it's sunny, and the joy of rainy days when it's raining.

It's always okay.

I'm OK.
You're OK.
Everything is OK.

Let's enjoy now, here and myself.

Hydrangea Festival

2023-05-29 17:12:47 | 日記
There is a hydrangea festival every year at a flower park in a nearby town.

I saw it for the first time five years ago.

Period: early June to early July
[Opening hours] 9:00-17:00
Closed: Wednesdays New Year holidays (December 28th to January 4th)
[Entrance fee] 210 yen for adults,
100 yen for elementary and junior high school students, 100 yen for seniors over 65, free for infants

4000 shares of hydrangea, ah, I want to see you soon.

It started to rain.

2023-05-29 16:48:57 | 日記
"Rainy days calm down," said Empress Masako when she was Crown Princess.

Certainly, I nodded at the time, but as the years went by, I came to deeply agree with her.

なけゝとて 月やはものを 思はする
かこちかほなる わが涙かな

The sound of raindrops hitting the hydrangea leaves, and the colors of the leaves becoming more vivid as they get wet, cleanse and purify the depths of me.

Thanks for the rain.