

Put up a fence!

2024-05-27 15:25:08 | 日記

Recently, wild boars have been invading the approximately 2,000 square meter property, which is close to wilderness, every night, digging up the ground and causing such damage that even mowing the grass is difficult.

A few years ago, water overflowed from the sabo dam and the waterway collapsed.

To prevent deer from invading the waterway and causing debris to accumulate, the bamboo grove was leveled and an electric fence was installed.

I'm also worried about deer invading from the south side, but I'm starting to think I'd like to realize an idea I've had for several years of building a sturdy コ-shaped fence to prevent wild boars invading from the north.

It will cost more than 1000,000yen to install.

The first step is to come up with the funds.

We would like to start taking concrete action, including installing a deer-proof gate outside.

It's a battle of strength for survival with wild animals. I can't lose.

The time has come to take concrete action.

God, please lend me your wisdom and strength.

It's rainy.

2024-05-27 07:01:54 | 日記

As forecast, it will rain today and tomorrow, when it rains, the lawnmower can't run...

Peace of mind is a source of strength.

So, what should you do to stay comfortable?

Health is not a number, but a feeling of well-being. (The late Dr. Hinohara)

Family is not limited to blood ties. (Akihiro Miwa)

It feels like I'm saying the same thing.

Thank you, God, for another new day. Let's live today beautifully, savoring the brilliance of our own lives.