

White plum blossoms

2024-01-30 18:46:54 | 日記

Today, I received a notification from Docomo that points will be awarded for a limited time.

After thinking about how to use the 5,000 points until July 31st, I decided to use them as a donation for the Noto earthquake.

Immediately after the earthquake, we made a reasonable amount of donations through the Doraemon Fund, but we felt we could do more.

The steps were normal, but an alert appeared on my phone asking me to start over. Frustrated by the unaccustomed smartphone operation, I repeated the donation operation from the beginning according to the instructions, and ended up donating 10,000 points. Surprise pop!

Providence teaches me how to love my brothers and sisters in unexpected ways.

Today, providence has used me as a channel of love.

Love for the stars in the sky, the flowers on the earth, and the people. We appreciate your continued consideration and guidance. Thank God 🙏. I truly respect and adore you.

Blooming Plum Blossoms

2024-01-28 11:33:49 | 日記
This morning, when I checked the flower newsletter from the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace, there was a photo of plum blossoms blooming.

Lately, I've only been out and about around my house, so I was very grateful to hear about the plum blossoms on social media.

February 4th marks the first day of spring, marking the beginning of the long-awaited new year.

There will be a lot of rain next week, but the cold weather is expected to subside and temperatures are expected to rise.

I am grateful for the signs of spring, and I am thankful for the long, cold and harsh winter.

I'm looking forward to the warm rain that will encourage the flowers to bloom.

Like a Watercress Flower, aum, it's OK.

2024-01-26 17:15:42 | 日記

The cold days continue.

It's a painful response to my body.

With just over a week until the first day of spring on February 4th, this is the time to hold on.

Just like that at that time...

I want to be flexible like a plant that follows the circulation of the atmosphere, whether it's cold, hot, wind or humidity.

I breathe deeply into my tanden, as if my body and mind are filled.

Take a deep breath, bring it down to the tanden, hold it for a while, and then exhale slowly. AUM, it's OK.


2024-01-25 17:36:34 | 日記

It has stopped snowing, and the snow that has piled up on the roof has been falling with a thud since yesterday.

In the evening, from inside my room, I saw a small lump of snow on the eaves of the barn.

It looked like a row of small snowman charms.

We can't help but join hands with nature, which protects our homes from heavy snow, melts snow with sunlight, and protects our lives. appreciate. 🙏🙏🙏