

A injured swallow

2017-05-31 17:56:58 | 日記
Suddenly, it's getting noisy around me.
So, l found one little swallow is following the wood deck.
lts mother and brothers or sisters worry about, are flying down and around injured one.
lt's shot me by them.

A pair of glasses

2017-05-11 15:52:33 | 日記
l changed my glasses two years ago.
lt was happen a traffic in which injury is sustained through my own negligence.
This glasses are colored with pale brown for cutting the sunlight.
So, This glasses are showed me like a racoon dog.
l want to change the color, and went to the glasses shop.
Though, Changing the color is very expensive.
l put my changing of glasses off to the last moment.
lt was shock a little.