

Several kind of wild birds.

2020-04-24 19:20:58 | 日記
I saw several kind of wild birds today after long time no see.
I couldn't go to workout because of the emergency decalaration of COVID2019.
So, I do workout in our house and walking in the morning before 10 days ago.
We have lived in country side and there is a lake nearby my house.
I've been walking around the lake about for one hour first a long time.
I really saw a Kogera after a long absence.
It's so tiny and fast moving.
I saw another wild birds, エナガ, ミヤマホウジロ, アオサギ, カワウ, シロハラ?・・.
Enaga's voices and movings are very cute.
Kogera's the black and white stripe pattern is beautiful.

Haru's story 4

2020-04-23 20:01:09 | 日記
Haru was 8 years old when l bought a new sheet for him.
I was 58 years old when have worked on business yet.
I bought also the first 2 sweaters for him that year.
He looks younger today,
I love you, lovely lovely Haru‐chan and good night.😊

Peony of this year also good.

2020-04-23 18:19:45 | 日記
This photo is about 6 years ago.
These peonies have been cared a man who has died before about 3 or 5 years ago.
So, those fields haven't any one of peonies.
Though l saw several peonies pictures on net.
The peonies of this year are also good.
Those flowers that I saw with Haru still give me peace this year, thank you with love.

An Emergency decalaration

2020-04-16 21:31:20 | 日記
It's finally spoken it to all deraction.
I've already had a neck hanging mask when been on working.
So I bought a spare of it on net in need reacently.
I caught the news on net then phoned training place "Will you open the place tomorrow?"
They said
"I don't know about it yet."
"How about coming here tomorrow morning?"
Whuum~,What shall I do?

Haru's story 3

2020-04-09 16:43:53 | 日記
Haru-chan didn't it want to look at it. It was thunder.
He was terrified its flash light.
It's been Summer night, he had heard the sound and flash then he had dashed himself into our livingroom.
So he had been watching outside like this until it had stoped the sound and flash.
It's one of the so sweet memory, l love you, my sweet Haru.