

He got ill.

2018-08-26 10:15:11 | 日記
He dirgorged day before yesterday morning, and no eating all day.
His back legs aren't good standing.
l saw a vet with him.
The vet said that he is Meniere's disease senior dogs, it get suddenly.
l want to check other disease by blood test, and he need infusion for nutrition about three days or 2weeks, so he must stay here.
If you want to see him, you can come here about at 19:00.
l said that I agreed.
We are going to see him in this evening.
Good luck, Haru!
My heart is always with you.

In this summer 2018

2018-08-09 14:28:26 | 日記
lt's too hot and humid summer in this year.
l can't do anything 14:00~18:00.
lt's spent the time for napping only.
As for the morning glory, all this leaves fell in this heat.
watermelons are too ripe and cracked in the field.
lt's the heat that l haven't experienced.