

Deep Gratitude

2024-05-13 20:27:29 | 日記

The colonoscopy I had on May 10th gave me many realizations after living for 68 years.

It was an examination conducted with hospitality by medical staff who were highly skilled and kind.

Thanks to the warm teamwork among the staff, led by the internist who was performing the examination, my anxiety and tension were eased.

They all respected the dignity of my life as a human being and treated me with respect for that life.

This is how I have been protected in the past.

Even in the midst of all that suffering and pain, I was protected and saved by so much kindness, and that is why I am here today.

Everything is protected and leads to a good life.

Just keep moving forward with gratitude in your heart and peace of mind.

Our lives are planned by God and are always leading us down the path to happiness.

We can move forward with peace of mind, without doubting the plan, without doubting our lives.

We have been protected and kept alive by God's grace in the past, present, and future. We are grateful for everything.
