

I wish ・・

2022-02-28 16:49:20 | 日記
February 2022 is passing.
The flow of time is fast year by year.

I meditated online for the first time in a while last night.

So, I was deeply aware of the attitude of living again.

I'll live the way I want more than ever.

I'm OK, you're OK.
Everything is OK.

We are unconditionally alive in the right.
We can rest assured.

It's just fine day today.

2022-02-24 16:06:16 | 日記
It's been a long time since the weather was fine.

The breeze is a little soft and the spine is streched.

The shape of clouds are chaged speadily by the wind.

A phrase came to me.

Don't walk behide me; I'm not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; I'm not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend.

I feel goo

d today too.

We got it !!

2022-02-21 18:12:45 | 日記
We received a wooden monument for Haru -chan's third anniversary.

It's written not 畜生 but 愛犬ハル!!

Exactly, Haru is an important special

family member.
It's not 畜生 but 愛犬, he is my treasure.

Thank you for understanding, Mr. preast.


2022-02-20 18:33:41 | 日記
I broked my glasses.
I have trampled again.

At last, the final tax return was completed, and I forgot to put my glasses on the mat when I was about to stand up.

This word is for such a time.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the post office to post the final tax return documents.

Let's go out a little, but let's go the eyeglasses shop in the city for repair.

I just broke my glasses vine on the same cold day as today with a light snowfall.

I don't want to have it twice but I want to adoid it three times. 😅🤪😅

The three anniversary

2022-02-19 14:37:33 | 日記
2022/2/18, My Haru's 3rd, My son's 33th, and relative's 13th anniversary successful completed.

A preast who broke his knees after dieting too much🤭 and brought a chair😲 and a senior woman next door who enjoyed walk with Haru-chan for about 6 years, now has a slightly reduced cognitive function😅.


it was warm and wonderful time.

Haru-chan had a special stupa which witten "愛犬ハル".

It was fantastic!!